5 Tips for Keeping Your Remote Workforce Empowered and Secure

2 min read
Dec 23, 2021

In late 2019, some corporate leaders were ambivalent or against the concept of remote work. By the spring of 2020, those same leaders had little choice but accept the current reality and to trust the process. Today, organizations generally accept the inevitability of a hybrid work environment. There will be flexibility in working from home, going to the office or perhaps combining the two.

However this new normal is managed, though, one reality should be clear: Organizations will need a straightforward, low-maintenance way of keeping their data secure and their employees productive, no matter where they happen to be working.

Chrome OS is that way. It’s a modern, secure platform that empowers both on-premises and remote teams while allowing IT administrators to manage distributed devices from a central location.

Plus there are easy ways to optimize the potential of Chrome OS. Here are five quick tips to boost both your security and your ability to innovate.

1. Configure network settings to allow for remote access.

Productivity begins with being able to get to work quickly. Make sure all devices have the right policies for Wi-Fi, ethernet and VPN access. To add or manage certificates, go to the Google Admin console.

2. Keep corporate data secure with the ability to disable devices remotely.

If a device is ever lost or stolen, it can be disabled directly from the Google Admin console. You can even post a message to the device to let an honest finder know how and where to return it.

3. Use Google Safe Browsing settings to keep your employees and data secure.

Google Safe Browsing discourages careless behavior by alerting users when they’re in danger of visiting a malicious site. Your IT administrators can enable and configure this setting from the Google Admin console.

4. Resolve tech issues with Chrome Remote Desktop.

The Chrome Remote Desktop gives admins an easy way to provide remote support and solve problems quickly.

5. Manage the Chrome browser from the cloud.

The Google Admin console allows for the management of Chrome browsers on all operating systems. This lets your IT people work and apply policies from anywhere, and it ensures that your browsers are secure on both public and private networks.

Though many organizations are still settling into the idea of long-term hybrid work, recent history shows that the concept is here to stay. The success of the hybrid workplace depends on two key elements: the security of your networks and the ability of your people to be productive. Chrome OS is engineered to maximize both.



Pythian is a Google Cloud Premier Partner and MSP, with services professionals trained and certified across multiple Google Cloud solutions. With deep expertise across Google Cloud, Google Workspace, Chrome OS and Chrome devices, Pythian uniquely understands the benefits of a modern cloud architecture. As an authorized Chrome Enterprise partner in North America, our Google Chrome experts can help with all your requirements, from procuring the right device to implementation, administration, security and support services. Learn about our Chrome Jumpstart packages, or schedule a free 30-minute consultation with one of our Chrome services professionals. 

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