Lynda Partner

Lynda Partner

Lynda Partner is a self-professed data addict and experiences the power of data every day as Pythian’s Vice President of Analytics-as-a-Service. The author of Pythian’s Love Your Data mantra, Lynda understands very well how data can transform companies into competitive winners and she was the driving force in adding an analytics practice to Pythian’s database focus. Lynda works with companies around the world and across industries to turn data into insights, predictions and products, and is the co-author of Designing Cloud Platforms.

Recent stories

Cloud Maturity: How cricket, fashion and mining organizations adopted cloud for data success

Cloud Maturity: How cricket, fashion and mining organizations adopted cloud for data success

Lynda Partner, Pythian VP Marketing and Analytics, is presenting tales of cloud analytics success at the Big Data and ...

2 min read

Black Friday is in the books. Did your IT systems keep up?

Black Friday weekend is over. If you’re either an online or bricks and mortar retailer, then congratulations – you made ...

2 min read

DBAs: The 5 key skills you will need in the cloud

Like many organizations, yours is likely under pressure to reduce costs and resources, while increasing storage ...

2 min read