Cloudscape episode 4: April 2018 roundup of the key AWS, GCP and Azure updates

2 min read
May 10, 2018

On this month’s edition of the Cloudscape podcast we are once again joined by our expert panel of Warner Chaves, Greg Baker and John Laham. Our guests will be helping us through all the developments, news and updates from the world of the cloud. We have loads of new things to cover in the episode with Google, Microsoft and Amazon all adding a hefty amount of products and updates to already existing services. Warner takes us through Microsoft’s SQL Server, Data Factory, Blob Storage, SQL Database and Data Warehouse and the ins and outs of each area. John gives us the lowdown on Google and Kubernetes, unpacking Stack Driver and looking at the ways in which Google is leading the pack in terms of transparency. Greg shares his insights on Amazon’s many advancements and shows us just how helpful the new Cost Explorer service will be amongst many additional developments. So if you want the latest from the cloud, tune in and get it all! Key points from this episode: • The latest updates to SQL Server. • Common operating systems for running AWS and why. • Some information on AWS’ new Cost Explorer. • Warner takes us through the newest improvements in Azure Data Factory. • Kubernetes' latest updates for the month. • The pay as you go pricing model for Stack Driver on Kubernetes. • Comparing Stack Driver with other similar services and looking at integration. • The price model for Stack Driver and Cloud Watch. • Improvements in capacity and price on Azure Blob Storage. • AWS’ new Open Fata Registry called RODA which was just announced. • Greg share the AWS blockchain developments. • Two new changes on Azure SQL Database. • The steps Google is taking towards better transparency and operational visibility. • Amazon’s new convenient multi-account developments. • Amplify from AWS and its new increased functionality. • The changes Microsoft has made to SQL Data Warehouse. • Google’s compute engine enhancements and what this means for reliability. • Google’s advancements in communicable AI. • The team’s thoughts on device scanners for documents. • And much more! Links mentioned in today's episode: Greg Baker John Laham Warner Chaves Ubuntu Linux Candidate Two Red Hat CentOS Xubuntu Mint AWS Cost Explorer Azure Data Factory Kubernetes Cloud Foundry OpenShift Open Service Broker Stack Driver Kubernetes Monitoring Datadog CloudWatch Blob Storage Evernote One Note AWS Amplify GraphQL App Sync Azure SQL Data Warehouse Rocketbook

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