Embracing the New Normal With Google Workspace - Part Three
“Companies that change may survive, but companies that transform thrive.” — The 4 Dos of Change Management, Nick Candito, Forbes.com
For many people and companies, the first part of the COVID-19 pandemic was all about holding on. Survival alone was a noteworthy feat. Now, as we begin to see what our “new normal” will look like going forward, we’re also recognizing opportunities to thrive. In part one of this “New Normal” series we talked about the future of remote work. In part two we presented solutions to overcome — and even embrace — change. This third and final post will explain how Pythian can appreciate, analyze and respond to your specific needs; merging the tools we talked about in part two with the existing strengths of your organization to optimize collaboration and productivity … and to thrive in the new normal. We realize you may still have some questions, and we’re here to answer them.Why Pythian?
We’re one of the largest Google Cloud partners in North America, as well as a Google Cloud Premier partner. Put simply, our team eats, drinks and breathes Google technology every single day. The expertise of our team will ease the pain of migrating from your legacy system.Won’t change be difficult?
Without a partner, any migration and deployment can seem daunting and disruptive, especially when time is tight. Fortunately, we know how to get you up and running with little to no interruption to your day-to-day operations. Our team will start by analyzing your current system to optimize deployment, no matter how large or complex your organization. We’ll then apply our expertise in migrating users and data from other platforms including:- Microsoft Exchange
- Novell Groupwise
- IBM Notes / Domino
Will our teams buy in?
Although remote work will be welcome for some, any change comes with resistance. Most deployments fail because of tunnel vision; focusing solely on the technical aspect of deployment without working to change behavior to leverage the new technology. In fact, according to the Harvard Business Review, 70 percent of organizational changes fail due to inadequate change support. That’s why we offer change management services rooted in effective planning and communication to keep your changes on track and your team inspired. Change management protects your investment while helping users adopt the new technology quickly and fully.How will we adjust in the short-term?
To optimize and expedite your transition, we offer a range of training programs for companies of all sizes. From training sessions on Google Drive to ongoing free education, we’ll ensure your team has the knowledge required to make the most of Google Workspace and Chrome Enterprise.And how about the long-term?
Pythian offers ongoing support for your IT admins, long after you go live. Whenever you have questions or concerns, we’re here to help and pride ourselves on quick, effective response times. Your admins will receive regular communications and resources to help them upgrade their knowledge; helping you make the most of your investment. The Pythian team has decades of experience supporting Google deployments. In fact, we were the team behind the first corporate migration to Google Workspace (back when it was known as “Google Apps”). As your Google Cloud partner, we can guarantee project success by ensuring you stay on schedule and in budget through our migration, change management and training services.Transform with Pythian
In today’s “new normal,” Google Workspace offers your organization the collaborative tools and support required to move forward with confidence. When everything changes, one thing stays the same; Google Workspace – implemented by the experts at Pythian – will continue to meet your needs, no matter what comes next. We can help you harness the power of the Cloud through personalized education and training, lightning-quick support and a range of solutions to fit your specific needs. We’ll help you quickly and efficiently move to Google Workspace; easing the pain of migration and empowering you to take control of your new normal. To see how “going Google” can benefit your organization, consult with a Pythian expert by sending us a message or giving us a call at 866-798-4426. You can also visit our website at www.pythian.com, and feel free to download our whitepaper, " Leave 'Back to Normal' Behind and Embrace a 'New Normal' in the Workplace."Share this
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