Keep Your Teams On-Track During COVID-19 and Beyond

3 min read
Jun 4, 2020

It could be that your organization was working remotely long before the arrival of COVID-19. Even if that’s the case, you’re now dealing with challenges you couldn’t have imagined back in March. But here’s some good news: Agosto, a Pythian company, is now offering its COVID-19 Productivity Resource Center to help keep your teams on track throughout this crisis, and beyond.

The Value of Agosto, a Pythian company

Though it’s been just eight weeks since Pythian acquired Agosto, the pandemic has already made the value of Agosto’s services abundantly clear. Agosto specializes in a range of Google Cloud solutions, including G Suite, the cloud-based productivity toolset. In the midst of a global lock-down, G Suite is, without question, the most robust platform for business continuity. Apps in G Suite seamlessly work together to keep your people collaborating and deeply engaged in the business. Not sure how to integrate all these tools? In the Agosto Productivity Resource Center you’ll find blog posts and in-depth webinars to help you get the most value from using G Suite. This includes Google Meet, Drive, Tasks & Keep, Forms, Gmail, and Mobile Apps. Plus, until September 30, 2020, Google Meet is available free to new customers from both the private and public sectors. Click here for more details.

The Future of the Workplace

Right now, you’re probably more focused on ensuring your teams can effectively collaborate in a 100% remote environment. However, don’t forget about the long term. Eventually, a more familiar way of life will return, and your pre-COVID-19 challenges will return as well. If productivity and collaboration was a concern before COVID-19, it'll still be there when the business world returns to more "traditional" workplace environments. But, here’s the thing: The lessons of this crisis have many organizations wondering whether we need to go back to the traditional workplace at all. Before the pandemic, study after study showed that the most sought-after talent placed a premium on job flexibility. These top candidates consistently select employers with the most progressive policies around technology and remote working. To be clear, COVID-19 did not cause the move to remote work. It merely accelerated it. According to the University of Toronto management professor Chris Bovaird,
“One of the unintended impacts of this lock-down is that more people, having tried remote working for the first time, will realize they really don’t need to spend hours a day commuting to an office.”
Mr. Bovaird stresses that in-person work isn’t necessarily more productive than the work-from-home model. Mr. Bovaird continues:
“Sure, there can be distractions at home, especially right now if you have care-giving duties. But there are also distractions at work, and not having to commute hours a week also allows you to be more productive by having a healthier and happier life in general.”

Preparing for the Future

So, if remote work is the future of work, how should enterprise businesses prepare? One clear answer lies in providing employees with the technology that promotes a workflow that’s smooth, secure, productive, and frustration-free. And that brings us back to the G Suite tools supported by Agosto’s COVID-19 Productivity Resource Center. G Suite has a long history of being at the heart of the reinvention of work. In a 2019 survey of executives from eight major industries, Forrester Research reported a number of key benefits realized by organizations that adopted G Suite:
  • $12.9 million in increased profits.
  • $23.6 million in improved IT and end-user productivity.
  • $7.6 million in security savings.
  • $11.6 million in savings on capital and operating expenses.
G Suite’s cloud-based business applications offer a secure, cost-effective way for organizations to think more about their work, and less about the technology behind it. There will be a future beyond COVID-19, and the productivity made possible by G Suite is certain to be part of it. To learn more about G Suite from the experts at Agosto, please click here.

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