Top TV and Movie Picks from the Women of Pythian

5 min read
Mar 19, 2021

At Pythian we’re known for, and proud of, our diverse group of strong women employees. One of the ways the company shares and celebrates the experiences of the women who work for Pythian is through our Pythia Slack channel.

Topics on this channel are, at different times, fun, serious, inspirational and informative. A recent Pythia prompt was “What is your favorite movie or TV show with a woman as the lead?”

We liked the answers so much, we thought we’d share them. After all, with International Women’s Day this month, and most of us still looking for stay-at-home entertainment as we ride out the pandemic, Pythia-recommended movies and shows seem like a win.

Here are some great suggestions from our Pythian team members:

Sarah Gasparick, Change Management Consultant

Sarah’s pick:

Bridget Jones's Diary



Bridget Jones’s Diary

“This movie cracks me up every time. Not exactly a ‘women breaking the mold’ flick, but I do appreciate some of her VERY REAL challenges in dealing with expectations placed on women.”





Hannah Warren, Graphic Designer

Hannah’s pick:

Morning Glory



Morning Glory

“Whenever I feel unmotivated I like watching Morning Glory. Seeing Becky having to deal with an erratic Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton is super entertaining.”





Babette Turner, Database Consultant

Babette’s pick:

Out of Africa



Out of Africa

“For me, it would be Out of Africa. Karen Blixen definitely broke out of the role of what women did or were expected to do in her time. The movie came out in 1985, at a time when strong women role models were NOT in style.”





Mayuri Lalwani, SOC Windows – Site Reliability Operation

Mayuri’s pick:

How to Get Away with Murder



How to Get Away with Murder

“Shonda Rhimes definitely changed some perspectives, having ladies leading so many of her shows. Viola Davis in How to Get Away with Murder in particular comes to mind when I think of a woman in a strong leading role.”





Lynn Bold, Sales Operations Coordinator

Lynn’s picks:



“I love old movies, so I have four recommendations. Catherine Hepburn, Leslie Caron, Ingrid Bergman and Joanne Woodward — you can’t get any better than that!




Sisania Vivas, Project Manager

Sisinia’s pick:

Gone With the Wind

Gone With the Wind

Sisania seconds Lynn’s recommendation of Gigi: “I grew up watching Gigi. I loved it so much that I almost knew all the lines, the same as the Sound of Music. My dad recorded them when we were living in the US and that’s how I kept practicing my English after we returned to Venezuela; watching the movies my father recorded and reading all the books my mom bought for us.

If I had to pick a movie with a woman as the lead, it would be Gone with the Wind. For me, Scarlet was a role model. Even though she grew up to be a spoiled girl she had to redefine herself because of her circumstances. Of course she made a lot of mistakes, especially in her personal life, but she didn’t care about the stereotype of the moment and became a leader and owner of her business and kept her land.”


Jennifer Vukojevic, Organizational Development and Communications Specialist

Jenn’s pick:

On the Basis of Sex



On the Basis of Sex

“I loved the movie On the Basis of Sex which was inspired by the true events of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her fight for gender equality.”





Have you enjoyed any of the movies or shows mentioned in this post? Do you have any recommendations? Please feel free to let us know in the comments!

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