Pythian’s top bloggers provide insight and instruction: top posts from 2018

2 min read
Dec 28, 2018

If you have questions about resolving encryption issues or you want some information about data platforms, where do you go? Pythian’s experts have valuable knowledge of a wide range of topics and have shared their expertise from written how-to instructions to insights into industry trends. We looked over our technical and business-related blog posts and compiled a list of the top-viewed posts from 2018. What better way to find out what’s new in the industry and how to succeed than from the experts who are using these solutions? Here are some of the blog posts our viewers found helpful, our most-viewed blog posts of 2018.   Technical track RDP issue - CredSSP encryption Oracle remediation Shawn Melton shows us how to solve issues related to accessing servers which are caused by a Windows security update. Cassandra use cases: when to use and when not to use Cassandra When is it a good time to use Cassandra and when it is not? John Schulz reviews the general rules defining good and not-so-good use cases for Cassandra. Creating dynamic tasks using Apache Airflow Kevin Pedersen instructs readers on how to write Python DAGs in Apache Airflow that generate and schedule dynamic tasks based on the configuration of an environment. A comparative analysis of Amazon SageMaker and Google Datalab This post by Ekaba Bisong.carries out a comparative analysis examining the differences and similarities between the two cloud-based machine learning as-a-service platforms. How to move or clone a Microsoft Azure virtual machine? When the Azure Portal simplified the method of moving a Virtual Machine and its resources to another Resource Group or subscription, Murilo Miranda put together this helpful how-to guide.   Business insights DevOps: five trends for 2019 and beyond Curious about what 2019 holds for the growing DevOps software market? In this post, Greg Baker makes his predictions. How to respond to the Meltdown and Spectre CPU vulnerabilities Marc St. Louis, Pythian's VP of Security, provides useful information on how to respond to the Meltdown and Spectre CPU Vulnerability. Is the data warehouse dead? Lynda Partner, Pythian’s VP of Analytics as a Service, summarizes a new white paper examining the demise of the data warehouse and the rise of the data platform. Questions to ask when migrating to a new database platform Scott McCormick gives insight into the questions and concerns companies usually have when considering changing to a new database platform. Datascape podcast episode 23 – private vs. public blockchains This last blog post is a podcast. Chris Presley and Adam Muise discuss some of the security, privacy, and net neutrality differences between private and public blockchains.

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