Hemantgiri S. Goswami

Hemantgiri S. Goswami

"I am a Database Administrator by profession, and a student at a university called life by heart. I am passionate about SQL Server, photography, reading and sharing. Currently, I'm Data Platform Consultant @Pythian. I have been a Microsoft SQL Server MVP for four years, and a published author of the book - SQL Server 2008 High Availability. Keep in touch with me on twitter @hemantgirig"

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SQL Server and OS Error 1117, Error 9001, Error 823

Along with other administrators, life of us, the DBAs are no different but full of adventure. At times, we encounter an ...

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Script to Collect Database Information Quickly

As a DBA there are occasions where we are required to collect details from a database which can be used for further ...

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SSAS– Resolving Target Machine Actively Refused

I’ve always wanted to get my hands on SSAS, SSIS and SSRS as I’ve often felt shorthanded in these areas. Yesterday I ...

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