Building a MariaDB Galera Cluster with Docker

6 min read
Aug 28, 2014

There’s been a lot of talk about Docker for running processes in isolated userspace (or the cloud for that matter) lately. Virtualization is a great way to compartmentalise applications  and processes however the overhead of virtualization isn’t always worth it – in fact, without directly attached storage IO degradation can seriously impact performance. The solution? Perhaps Docker… With its easy to use CLI as well as the lightweight implementation of cgroups and kernel namespaces.

Without further ado, I present a step-bystep guide on how to build a MariaDB 5.5 Galera Cluster on Ubuntu 14.04. The same guide can probably be applied for MariaDB versions 10+ however I’ve stuck with 5.5 since the latest version of MariaDB Galera Cluster is still in beta.

So we start off with modifying the “ufw” firewall policy to accept forwarded packets and perform a “ufw” service restart for good measure:

root@workstation:~# vi /etc/default/ufw


root@workstation:~# service ufw restart
ufw stop/waiting
ufw start/running

I’m assuming you already have docker installed – this is available as a package within the Ubuntu repositories and also available in the Docker repositories (see You’ll also need to have LXC installed (“apt-get install lxc” should suffice) in order to attach to the Linux Containers / Docker Images.

The next step is pulling the Docker / Ubuntu repository in order to customize an image for our purposes

root@workstation:~# docker pull ubuntu
Pulling repository ubuntu
c4ff7513909d: Pulling dependent layers 
3db9c44f4520: Download complete 
c5881f11ded9: Download complete 
c4ff7513909d: Download complete 
463ff6be4238: Download complete 
822a01ae9a15: Download complete 
75204fdb260b: Download complete 
511136ea3c5a: Download complete 
bac448df371d: Download complete 
dfaad36d8984: Download complete 
5796a7edb16b: Download complete 
1c9383292a8f: Download complete 
6cfa4d1f33fb: Download complete 
f127542f0b61: Download complete 
af82eb377801: Download complete 
93c381d2c255: Download complete 
3af9d794ad07: Download complete 
a5208e800234: Download complete 
9fccf650672f: Download complete 
fae16849ebe2: Download complete 
b7c6da90134e: Download complete 
1186c90e2e28: Download complete 
0f4aac48388f: Download complete 
47dd6d11a49f: Download complete 
f6a1afb93adb: Download complete 
209ea56fda6d: Download complete 
f33dbb8bc20e: Download complete 
92ac38e49c3e: Download complete 
9942dd43ff21: Download complete 
aa822e26d727: Download complete 
d92c3c92fa73: Download complete 
31db3b10873e: Download complete 
0ea0d582fd90: Download complete 
cc58e55aa5a5: Download complete

After the download is complete, we can check the Ubuntu images available for customization with the following command:

root@workstation:~# docker images
 REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
 ubuntu              14.04.1             c4ff7513909d        12 days ago         225.4 MB
 ubuntu              trusty              c4ff7513909d        12 days ago         225.4 MB
 ubuntu              14.04               c4ff7513909d        12 days ago         225.4 MB
 ubuntu              latest              c4ff7513909d        12 days ago         225.4 MB
 ubuntu              utopic              75204fdb260b        12 days ago         230.1 MB
 ubuntu              14.10               75204fdb260b        12 days ago         230.1 MB
 ubuntu              precise             822a01ae9a15        12 days ago         108.1 MB
 ubuntu              12.04               822a01ae9a15        12 days ago         108.1 MB
 ubuntu              12.04.5             822a01ae9a15        12 days ago         108.1 MB
 ubuntu              12.10               c5881f11ded9        9 weeks ago         172.2 MB
 ubuntu              quantal             c5881f11ded9        9 weeks ago         172.2 MB
 ubuntu              13.04               463ff6be4238        9 weeks ago         169.4 MB
 ubuntu              raring              463ff6be4238        9 weeks ago         169.4 MB
 ubuntu              13.10               195eb90b5349        9 weeks ago         184.7 MB
 ubuntu              saucy               195eb90b5349        9 weeks ago         184.7 MB
 ubuntu              lucid               3db9c44f4520        4 months ago        183 MB
 ubuntu              10.04               3db9c44f4520        4 months ago        183 MB

Now that we’ve downloaded our images lets create a custom Dockerfile for our customized MariaDB / Galera Docker image, I’ve added a brief description for each line of the file:

root@workstation:~# vi Dockerfile
 # # MariaDB Galera 5.5.39/Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
 FROM ubuntu:14.04
 MAINTAINER Pythian Nikolaos Vyzas <>

 # add the universe repo
 RUN echo "deb trusty main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list 
 # update apt
 RUN apt-get -q -y update 
 # install software-properties-common for key management
 RUN apt-get -q -y install software-properties-common 
 # add the key for Mariadb Ubuntu repos
 RUN apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xcbcb082a1bb943db 
 # add the MariaDB repository for 5.5
 RUN add-apt-repository 'deb trusty main' 
 # update apt again
 RUN apt-get -q -y update 
 # configure the default root password during installation
 RUN echo mariadb-galera-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password password root | debconf-set-selections
 # confirm the password (as in the usual installation)
 RUN echo mariadb-galera-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password_again password root | debconf-set-selections 
 # install the necessary packages
 RUN LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confnew' -qqy install mariadb-galera-server galera mariadb-client
 # upload the locally created my.cnf (obviously this can go into the default MariaDB path
 ADD ./my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
 # startup the service - this will fail since the nodes haven't been configured on first boot
 RUN service mysql restart 
 # open the ports required to connect to MySQL and for Galera SST / IST operations
 EXPOSE 3306 4444 4567 4568 

We'll also need our base configuration for MariaDB, I've included the base configuration variable for Galera - obviously there are more however these are good enough for starting up the service:
root@workstation:~# vi my.cnf

So far so good, we have Docker installed and our Dockerfile as well as our “my.cnf” file ready to go. Now its time to build our Docker image, check that the image exists and startup 3x separate Docker images for each of our Galera nodes:

root@workstation:~# docker build -t ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera .
root@workstation:~# docker images |grep mariadb-galera
 ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera   latest              afff3aaa9dfb        About a minute ago   412.5 MB
docker run --name mariadb1 -i -t -d ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera /bin/bash
docker run --name mariadb2 -i -t -d ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera /bin/bash
docker run --name mariadb3 -i -t -d ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera /bin/bash

We’ve started up our Docker images, now lets verify that they are in fact up and retrieve the process information we need to connect. We’ll need two pieces of information, the IP-Address and the Docker image name which can be received using the combination the the “docker ps” and the “docker inspect” commands:

}]root@workstation:~# docker ps
 CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                    NAMES
 b51e74933ece        ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera:latest   /bin/bash           About an hour ago   Up About an hour    3306/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp   mariadb3
 03109c7018c0        ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera:latest   /bin/bash           About an hour ago   Up About an hour    3306/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp   mariadb2
 1db2a9a520f8        ubuntu_trusty/mariadb-galera:latest   /bin/bash           About an hour ago   Up About an hour    3306/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp   mariadb1
root@workstation:~# docker ps |cut -d' ' -f1 |grep -v CONTAINER | xargs docker inspect |egrep '"ID"|IPAddress'
 "ID": "b51e74933ece2f3f457ec87c3a4e7b649149e9cff2a4705bef2a070f7adbafb0",
 "IPAddress": "",
 "ID": "03109c7018c03ddd8448746437346f080a976a74c3fc3d15f0191799ba5aae74",
 "IPAddress": "",
 "ID": "1db2a9a520f85d2cef6e5b387fa7912890ab69fc0918796c1fae9c1dd050078f",
 "IPAddress": "",

Time to use lxc-attach to connect to our Docker images using the Docker image name, add the mounts to “/etc/mtab” to keep them MariaDB friendly and customize the “gcomm://” address as we would for a usual Galera configuration (the Docker image name is a generated when the instance fires up so make sure to use your own instance name in the following commands):

root@workstation:~# lxc-attach --name b51e74933ece2f3f457ec87c3a4e7b649149e9cff2a4705bef2a070f7adbafb0
 root@b51e74933ece:~# cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
 root@b51e74933ece:~# service mysql restart
 * Starting MariaDB database mysqld                            [ OK ]
 * Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables.

root@b51e74933ece:~# vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

root@b51e74933ece:~# exit

root@workstation:~# lxc-attach --name 03109c7018c03ddd8448746437346f080a976a74c3fc3d15f0191799ba5aae74
 root@03109c7018c0:~# cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
 root@03109c7018c0:~# vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
 root@03109c7018c0:~# service mysql start
 * Starting MariaDB database server mysqld                            [ OK ]
 * Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables.
 root@03109c7018c0:~# mysql -uroot -proot
 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MariaDB connection id is 30
 Server version: 5.5.39-MariaDB-1~trusty-wsrep binary distribution, wsrep_25.10.r4014

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show status like 'wsrep_cluster%';
 | Variable_name            | Value                                |
 | wsrep_cluster_conf_id    | 2                                    |
 | wsrep_cluster_size       | 2                                    |
 | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | 42bc375b-2bc0-11e4-851c-1a7627c0624c |
 | wsrep_cluster_status     | Primary                              |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec_

MariaDB [(none)]> exit
 root@03109c7018c0:~# exit

root@workstation:~# lxc-attach --name 1db2a9a520f85d2cef6e5b387fa7912890ab69fc0918796c1fae9c1dd050078f
 root@1db2a9a520f8:~# cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
 root@1db2a9a520f8:~# vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
 root@1db2a9a520f8:~# service mysql start
 * Starting MariaDB database server mysqld                                                                                                                                                     [ OK ]
 root@1db2a9a520f8:~# mysql -uroot -proot
 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MariaDB connection id is 34
 Server version: 5.5.39-MariaDB-1~trusty-wsrep binary distribution, wsrep_25.10.r4014

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show status like 'wsrep_cluster%';
 | Variable_name            | Value                                |
 | wsrep_cluster_conf_id    | 3                                    |
 | wsrep_cluster_size       | 3                                    |
 | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | 42bc375b-2bc0-11e4-851c-1a7627c0624c |
 | wsrep_cluster_status     | Primary                              |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit
 root@1db2a9a520f8:~# exit

Now be honest… Wasn’t that easier than creating multiple virtual machines and configuring the OS for each?

Enjoy your new MariaDB Galera Cluster and happy Dockering!

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