Data and analytics give businesses purpose

2 min read
Sep 1, 2022

The Core of Existence, Data Gives Purpose

Dear Data,

I admit that I think of you often and cherish the time we spend together.

When we met in the mid 90’s, I didn’t realize that you would have such a profound impact on my life. To say the least, I’m forever changed because of you. I still can’t believe that when we first met, I was manually trading thousands of different products, blindly moving about my decision making without purpose. But then I saw you, and I knew it was meant to be. You fit into my life seamlessly, helping me to develop my first product data management system to bring me further insights into purchases, sales prices, and trend predictions. For that, I’m forever thankful.

What I love most about you, Data, is that you never lie. So long as the input data is correct and complete. You’ve helped me find all the answers that I’m looking for. I’ve been able to approach every problem I’ve encountered and challenge that has stepped in my way as one you can help me solve. Today, you are everything, and no matter what roadblock I encounter along the way, I know that I can find the answer in you.

But I’m not here to say that it has been smooth sailing over these long years together. Relationships can be hard work. It’s taken me years of trial and error, collecting incorrect data leading to poor insights that have resulted in negative business consequences and monetary loss. However, these hardships have come as a learning experience that I could never forget, and because of this journey I’ve been able to work with some of the most amazing and talented business professionals across the globe.

Even though businesses have their own industries, employees, and experiences, the commonality is that data operates at the core of their existence. Whether that was product data management, product information management, web data and analytics, big data and predictive analytics, machine learning and AI solutions; Data, you were always there for all of us.

When we first met, I never could have imagined just how much you would change the world. It seems like only yesterday, when I was stumbling about my life feeling like something was missing.

But I knew as soon as compute power started to increase and machine learning algorithms could convert voice to text, or images to data…user experiences began to change…here I am getting caught up in my thoughts about you. What I’m trying to say is that you’ve changed society.

The world is different for the better because of you.

I’m looking forward to our future and to what we will accomplish together. I know you are destined for great things and I’m happy to be here to see what you will become. I can’t wait to see a world that’s been impacted by you – from environmental sustainability, smart cities, mixed reality, robotics, and more. Thank you for everything.

Forever yours,

-Ronald van Loon, CEO and Principal Analyst, Intelligent World

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