Datascape Podcast Episode 42: Recapping Microsoft Build 2020

2 min read
Jun 12, 2020

Episode 42: Recapping Microsoft Build 2020 Show Notes:

Like other conferences around the world, the Microsoft Build conference was forced online this year. In this episode, we’re recapping the 2020 Build conference with our Datascape regular and Microsoft expert, Warner Chavez. Warner shares his pros and cons about the virtual format, and we discuss how virtual conferences will have to find a way to make up for all of the awesome networking opportunities we usually get with in-person events. Then we dive straight into updates, talking about everything from Kubernetes moving into Azure Arc, fleet management and GPU partitioning on Azure Stack Hub, and the new capabilities of Azure Resource Manager, to Cosmos DB’s new serverless and point-in-time recovery, MySQL and PostgreSQL on Azure Database, and Azure SQL Edge on public preview and what’s different about it. We also talk about the new Azure Synape Link, AI updates, and machine teaching, as well as Azure Private Maps Atlas, the release date for .NET 5, and Azure Kubernetes updates. Don’t miss this episode!

Key Points From This Episode:

• Warner shares his pros and cons about the 2020 Microsoft Build conference being virtual.
• Warner and Chris discuss how virtual conferences will need to recreate in-person networking.
• The functions of Microsoft’s Azure Arc software, including managing Kubernetes clusters.
• What’s new about the Azure Stack Hub, including fleet management and GPU partitioning.
• What Azure peering services moving to GA means and why it can enhance performance.
• The new capabilities and templates update for Azure Resource Manager.
• Cosmos DB updates, including serverless and new capabilities like point-in-time recovery.
• Azure Database updates for MySQL and PostgreSQL, including live database migration.
• The difference between the previous public endpoint and the updated private link.
• Azure SQL Edge on public preview and why it’s different.
• Warner talks a bit about Azure Synapse on public preview and the new Azure Synapse Link.
• Warner’s favourite AI updates in cognitive services.
• Warner explains machine teaching and why it’s useful that it’s moving into public preview.
• Azure Maps Private Atlas for creating and annotating your own private maps.
• .NET 5 intended for multi-platform release in November 2020 and why it’s a big deal.
• Azure Kubernetes updates, including Windows support and private clusters.
• And much more!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Warner Chavez on Twitter
Microsoft Build 2020 Webpage
Azure Arc
Azure Stack Hub
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure SQL Database
Azure Synapse
Azure Maps
.NET 5
Azure Kubernetes
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