Error Installing Oracle VM: File "/usr/lib/anaconda/"

2 min read
May 27, 2012

I just installed 3.1.1 Oracle VM server on my sandbox for training purposes and faced the same issue I did when installing versions 3.0.3 and 3.0.1. I quickly found a workaround that worked for me. But as a follow up, I decided to search though Google and MOS in order to see if there has been any good development in resolving the issue from others (Oracle maybe ;) ). Anyway, this is that I found. Just for the record, the error messages ire as follows:
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 685, in write if dev.get('BOOTPROTO').lower() in ['dhcp', 'ibft']:
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 1394, in doPreInstall
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 184, in doPreInstall anaconda.backend.doPreInstall(anaconda)
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 207, in moveStep
My understanding is that Oracle VM server's installation doesn't recognize the network card in your server/workstation for one reason or another. Therefore, the installation fails. In my case, the solution was to find a spare network card and insert it in my sandbox computer. I had done it for the 3.0.1 installation and managed to get the Oracle VM server installed. The interesting bit is that for version 3.1.1, I had to do the opposite move. I had to enable disabled before integrating it to the motherboard network card and disabling the other one. Today, I searched through Google and MOS and unfortunately found that there still isn't much information available on that problem:
  • Oracle® VM - Release Notes for 3.0.3 has a very short statement "The installer cannot detect the network adapter, so fails to complete the installation."
  • There is a related bug in My Oracle Support "Bug 13943417 : INSTALL ORACLE VM SERVER (3.0.3) ON DELL PRECISION T1500 FAILED."
If you hit this blog post because your Oracle VM installation failed, try to find a spare network card and give it another go. If you can't use this option, try to install an earlier/newer version of Oracle VM (based on my observations it may work). If you somehow resolved the issue or know more details, please be my guest and share it with me and others in this blog post's comments sections. I hope this blog post helped someone :) Who knows, maybe Oracle will decide to give us a bit more information on the issue and the way to avoid it. P.S. I have opened a public G+ thread where I put my raw tech thoughts on how to find the root cause of the problem. Feel free to contribute if you are interested. Yury

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