How to Find Cluster Resources Where Target!=State

1 min read
Aug 7, 2019

DBA typically checks cluster resources as part of patching efforts. However, when checking cluster resources returns 200+ results, it's not feasible to verify the results and it's too time-consuming. A better solution is to find a cluster resource where the state does not match the intended target. First, kill the database instance process (please don't do this in production): [code] [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ ps -ef|grep pmon oracle 13542 1 0 16:09 ? 00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM1 oracle 27663 1 0 16:39 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_hawk1 oracle 29401 18930 0 16:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto pmon [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ kill -9 27663 [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ [/code] Check the cluster resource. Syntax works but provides a false positive: [code] [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ crsctl stat res -t -w '((TARGET != ONLINE) or (STATE != ONLINE)' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Target State Server State details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ora.proxy_advm OFFLINE OFFLINE racnode-dc2-1 STABLE OFFLINE OFFLINE racnode-dc2-2 STABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ora.asm 3 OFFLINE OFFLINE STABLE ora.hawk.db 1 ONLINE OFFLINE racnode-dc2-1 Instance Shutdown,ST ARTING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ [/code] Check cluster resource. The cluster resource for database instance Target is supposed to be ONLINE but State is OFFLINE: [code] [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ crsctl stat res -t -w '((TARGET = ONLINE) and (STATE != ONLINE)' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Target State Server State details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ora.hawk.db 1 ONLINE OFFLINE racnode-dc2-1 Instance Shutdown,ST ARTING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ [/code] Check the cluster resource to be sure everything is up and running as it should be: [code] [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ crsctl stat res -t -w '((TARGET = ONLINE) and (STATE != ONLINE)' [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ crsctl stat res -t -w 'TYPE = ora.database.type' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Target State Server State details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cluster Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ora.hawk.db 1 ONLINE ONLINE racnode-dc2-1 Open,HOME=/u01/app/o racle/,S TABLE 2 ONLINE ONLINE racnode-dc2-2 Open,HOME=/u01/app/o racle/,S TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [oracle@racnode-dc2-1 patch]$ [/code] In conclusion, it's more efficient to check cluster resource accordingly to avoid having to review false positive or inapplicable results.

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