How a social media platform benefits from upgraded security and performance

1 min read
Nov 27, 2018

We recently helped a social media management platform improve its security and performance. The social media platform supports social network integrations for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, and has more than 15 million users. The company needed to ensure maximum security and performance for its authentication processes by reducing the hours and errors associated with manual administration. These improvements would allow the organization to not only minimize downtime and expand the feature set available to its developers, but would also ensure the company’s compliance with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The challenge was automating its database user management and authentication processes, which required knowledge of MySQL security and DevOps environments. Pythian’s experts have deep knowledge of MySQL security and DevOps-structured environments, and were able to develop a customized MySQL Bastion proxy to increase security by restricting user access and automating access management. The client’s internal processes are now fully automated, thus improving security, productivity and resource availability for the company. Read the full story about how Pythian helped a client achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability, reliability and uptime.

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