So you have created your standby database using the RMAN DUPLICATE
command, you have set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET
to maintain a minimum lag target, and you have sorted out those nasty datafile missing errors using automatic file management. You’ve even added standby redo logs to improve the Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR).
Now management are demanding to know why the standby periodically lags during the day. They have you on the phone and they are asking what the current redo apply rate is.
Luckily, you read the Pythian blog regularly, or like most people google for a solution or script to help out so you don’t reinvent the wheel.
Management’s first question was, does the standby redo apply rate lag during the day and if so, when. The following SQL script joins v$archived_log
to v$dataguard_status
, which contains the most recent messages from Data Guard. We join to that table to get the timestamp for when a specific archive log started to be applied.
rem Reports standby apply rate with lag rem select TIMESTAMP,completion_time "ArchTime", SEQUENCE#,round((blocks*block_size)/(1024*1024),1) "SizeM", round((TIMESTAMP-lag(TIMESTAMP,1,TIMESTAMP) OVER (order by TIMESTAMP))*24*60*60,1) "Diff(sec)", round((blocks*block_size)/1024/ decode(((TIMESTAMP-lag(TIMESTAMP,1,TIMESTAMP) OVER (order by TIMESTAMP))*24*60*60),0,1, (TIMESTAMP-lag(TIMESTAMP,1,TIMESTAMP) OVER (order by TIMESTAMP))*24*60*60),1) "KB/sec", round((blocks*block_size)/(1024*1024)/ decode(((TIMESTAMP-lag(TIMESTAMP,1,TIMESTAMP) OVER (order by TIMESTAMP))*24*60*60),0,1, (TIMESTAMP-lag(TIMESTAMP,1,TIMESTAMP) OVER (order by TIMESTAMP))*24*60*60),3) "MB/sec", round(((lead(TIMESTAMP,1,TIMESTAMP) over (order by TIMESTAMP))-completion_time)*24*60*60,1) "Lag(sec)" from v$archived_log a, v$dataguard_status dgs where = replace(dgs.MESSAGE,'Media Recovery Log ','') and dgs.FACILITY = 'Log Apply Services' order by TIMESTAMP desc;
The script reports the time it took to apply the log, the size of the log, and the redo apply rate for that log.
reports the actual time difference between redo logs applied on the standby.Lag(sec)
reports the time difference between when the archive log was completed on the primary and when it was applied on the standby.
Management’s second question was, how fast is the current archived redo log being applied? The shell script
answers that question.
Basically it gets the log_block_size
and polls v$managed_standby
twice with a 30-second delay. It then returns the redo apply rate in KB/second, MB/second, and the raw bytes/second.
Note: This is a beta version — it does not handle an application rate faster than 30-seconds per log.
This script was developed on the back of the best practices document: MAA – Data Guard Redo Apply and Media Recovery Best Practices 10gR1 (PDF). Oracle provided the formula, we are providing the script.
- Metalink Note: 387343.1
- Oracle Switchover Failover Best Practices (PDF)
- Oracle Fast Start Failover Best Practices (PDF)
Have Fun!
#!/bin/bash # # Created: 2007-10-10 # LOG_BLOCK_SIZE=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" <<END set pages 0 trimsp on feed off timing off time off SELECT LEBSZ FROM X\\$KCCLE WHERE ROWNUM=1; exit; END` BLOCK_BEG=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" <<END set pages 0 trimsp on feed off timing off time off select BLOCK# from V\\$MANAGED_STANDBY where PROCESS='MRP0'; exit; END` TIME_BEG=`date +%s` echo $BLOCK_BEG sleep 30 BLOCK_END=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" <<END set pages 0 trimsp on feed off timing off time off select BLOCK# from V\\$MANAGED_STANDBY where PROCESS='MRP0'; exit; END` TIME_END=`date +%s` echo $BLOCK_END DIFF_TIME=`expr $TIME_END - $TIME_BEG` DIFF_BLOCKS=`expr $BLOCK_END - $BLOCK_BEG` DIFF_SIZE=`expr $DIFF_BLOCKS \* $LOG_BLOCK_SIZE` DIFF_SIZE_TIME=`expr $DIFF_SIZE / $DIFF_TIME` MB=`expr 1024 \* 1024` RECOVERY_RATE=`expr $DIFF_SIZE_TIME / 1024` RECOVERY_RATE_MB=`expr $DIFF_SIZE_TIME / $MB` echo $LOG_BLOCK_SIZE echo $DIFF_TIME echo $RECOVERY_RATE echo $RECOVERY_RATE_MB
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