Releasing puppet-proxysql version 2.0.0

1 min read
Sep 11, 2018

Everyone knows those situations where there is a task that you need to do and you want to do, but you just don’t come around to actually doing it. Well, for me, this new release was such a task. Early in 2017, I released the first version of puppet-proxysql on GitHub. It was my first puppet-module release and I was quite proud of it. I had implemented types and providers for managing the ProxySQL resources such as mysql_user, mysql_servers, etc… At Config Management Camp Gent (February 2017) I met Vox Pupuli, who is the group that forms the puppet-user-community. They picked up the responsibility of taking ownership of well-known modules that are left unmaintained or abandoned and/or modules that only had a single maintainer. The puppet-proxysql module was kind of the latter. Additionally, they own the “puppet/” prefix on the Puppet Forge which is great for module visibility. So I joined forces with them and very soon we got set up using Travis for testing, releasing and pushing the very first version of the module to the forge. Then it quieted down… I was busy doing other things (like changing jobs to work for Pythian) and I did not have much time to maintain the module anymore. I managed to review and merge some pull requests but releasing them was becoming more of a problem. Until recently! I got a huge pull request implementing a lot of overdue new features like ProxySQL cluster support, new types for managing resources via class parameters, etc. I jumped on and with the help of Tim Meusel aka bastelfreak, member of the Vox Pupuli project maintainer committee (PMC), we managed to get this PR chunked up into smaller pieces, get it reviewed and eventually merged. So without further ado, we can present you with puppet-proxysql version 2.0.0. This release contains a lot of new features that never got released, like support for Ubuntu and CentOS/RHEL based systems, repo management for installing ProxySQL, support for newer puppet versions and many bug fixes. You can view the full release notes here. Thank you to Pythian for allowing me to spend time on this and to all the contributors and reviewers for their help working on getting this released and I’m very sorry it took so long.

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