Sources of inspiration on International Women's Day

2 min read
Mar 8, 2016

True inspiration comes in many forms and I consider myself fortunate to be inspired every day by the women around me. International Women's Day is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the women in our lives who positively influence us. This post is my heartfelt thank you to the women in my ‘circle’ who have made an indelible mark in my life. They are women who continue to inspire, challenge and motivate me. The women on Pythian HR's team: These women continually teach me valuable life lessons. They are mothers, partners, sisters, care providers, aunts, cousins, and friends to many. They are strong, spirited, supportive and have generous natures that are contagious. They demonstrate an unwavering commitment to working hard, they’re incredibly talented and they have a steady focus on doing what’s best for our employees. These women go above and beyond and approach every puzzle with optimism. My mother: My mother is the most positive and ‘glass half full’ person that I know. She is a person who never fails to find the bright side to life's most thought-provoking issues and one of her favourite questions to ask her loved ones is "Are You Happy?" (Spoiler alert: she's not satisfied unless the answer is a truthful "yes"). Her love, guidance and support have helped sustain me through so much and over the years she has evolved into my BFF. My friend, Jen: Jen is a breast cancer survivor who decided to fight back and co-found Vixens Victorious. In October 2015, the dynamic duo of Vixens Victorious successfully launched Lights! Camera! CURE! which showcases female film makers from Canada and the proceeds go to support the Ottawa Regional Cancer Society. Jen’s positive spirit and take charge attitude empowers everyone who meets her. My friend, Kate: Kate moved to Canada with her three month old daughter to start a new journey with her husband. She took the initiative to make new friends, develop a network and often navigate a new city on her own when her partner travelled for work. Kate isn’t one to complain about adversities in life; she is courageous and gratefully embraces her adventure. My fitness trainer Jules : Jules gets out of bed every morning, puts on her workout gear and travels across Ottawa to provide the most fun and effective workouts to her clients. She generously shares her own personal health journey and always finds a way to connect with her clients so they can experience the one on one attention they need. She is full of greatness. Our family physician, Dr. Judy: Dr. Judy’s medical practice is thriving because of her commitment to patient care. She ensures you are her priority in the moments that you are with her. She makes each of her patients feel important, cared for and heard. Dr. Judy emulates a kind and caring nature that everyone could benefit from. My neighbor, Anne Marie: In her late forties, Anne Marie taught herself to swim so she could begin competing in triathlons. She now travels internationally to compete in races. I’m inspired by her hard work, determination and strategic ability to set and meet goals. The influences (sometimes subtle) of these women make an impact on how I choose to live my life. I am thankful for all of them. On this International Women's Day, I encourage you to think about who inspires you and why. Bonus points if you honour them with words of appreciation!

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