How to Support Your Remote Workforce by Improving Access to Information With Cloud Based Tools

2 min read
Apr 7, 2020

You’ve sent your team home to find shelter from COVID-19. Yet, the business continues to operate and you are relying on your team to deliver their work. To make that happen, they’ll need easy access to information. How do you keep your team in the loop without sacrificing security? The answer lies in cloud applications.

Teams need easy access to information to do their best work

People do their best work when they’re empowered by information and ideas. For example, your marketing team will create better campaigns when they know what worked in the past. Your risk management team can better prepare for threats when they understand past risks. Unfortunately, while 79 percent of business leaders believe digital access to knowledge is important to performance, only 18 percent report that knowledge is shared well. For remote teams, the need to access everything from home only amplifies the problem. Around 44 percent of business leaders say that disparate information systems across the organization make it hard to connect and collaborate. And 86 percent of employees don’t have a clear idea of what their colleagues are working on. This lack of access and strained collaboration spells trouble for newly remote-based teams.

More data means more security concerns

To help solve this problem, some employees may resort to using their own devices or methods of file sharing to keep up with their work. Unfortunately, this puts your company’s data at high risk for exposure. The only solution is implementing safe tools for both accessing and sharing critical business information.

Turn information and ideas into value with cloud solutions

Centrally-managed, cloud-based tools can quickly solve the issue of access and security. For example, you might implement cloud-based file storage and smart search features that can pull information from storage instantly. No VPN required. Data is simply compiled information—that is until it’s turned into value. Transform information and ideas into useful insights via the cloud and AI-powered solutions. Doing so will help your employees make better decisions to support their work. What might this look like for your organization? There will no longer be a need to search through hundreds of files to find last month’s meeting notes. You won’t need to know how to fly a rocket just to read the quarterly business report. You’ll remove barriers that often prevent diverse employees from sharing feedback and ideas that could move your organization forward.

Learn how to best support your remote workforce during this time

Your team is trying to fulfill their responsibilities while learning how to best navigate the new normal of remote work. Cloud-based tools and processes can help you support your team by improving access to information and so much more. To learn more about how to best support your remote workforce, reach out to Pythian. Give us a call at 1-866-798-4426 or send us a message.

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