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Azure Data Factory Challenges: Proven Strategies and Best Practices for Success

Azure Data Factory Challenges: Proven Strategies and Best Practices for Success

Azure Data Factory (ADF) stands at the forefront of cloud-based data integration services, paving the way for complex ...

10 min read
GoldenGate 12.2 big data adapters: part 5 - MongoDB

GoldenGate 12.2 big data adapters: part 5 - MongoDB

This is the next post in my series about Oracle GoldenGate Big Data adapters. For reference, the other posts in the ...

14 min read

GoldenGate 12.2 big data adapters: part 2 - FLUME

In this blog post we continue our review of the new Oracle GoldenGate Big Data adapters. In the first part of the ...

14 min read