Outdoor Retailer's Oracle to Google Cloud Shift Drives Data Innovation

1 min read
Dec 11, 2023


Google Cloud Platform





The outdoor retailer was a long-time Oracle customer, but their system had become bottlenecked due to ongoing patching and maintenance, which the company’s database administrators couldn’t keep up with. While the technical team was struggling with a never-ending cycle of patching and maintenance, they also had ongoing licensing issues with Oracle. 

They were looking to move their on-premise databases to Google Cloud’s Bare Metal Solution (BMS). But with their technical team already stretched thin, they knew they needed additional support to successfully achieve their migration timeline. So they tapped into the expertise of Pythian, a Google Cloud Partner with Data Management Specialization that’s well versed in Oracle to Google Cloud migrations.

What we did: 

Pythian’s database experts worked with the outdoor retailer to assess, plan, and deploy the migration, including a disaster recovery exercise using Dbvisit’s database disaster recovery software. 

Pythian discussed a modernization strategy and built a migration plan for the outdoor retailer that would meet its timelines. This involved migrating the on-premise databases running on Oracle Bare Metal to Google Cloud BMS, including options to downgrade their Oracle Database edition. Pythian also helped them decommission AWS and set up a new disaster recovery database and backup requirements in Google Cloud.

Technologies used: 

  • Oracle ATG
  • Oracle Linux
  • Oracle Database
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • AWS Relational Data Service (RDS)
  • Google Cloud Bare Metal Solution (BMS)

Key Outcomes

Pythian helped the outdoor retailer achieve its migration from Oracle to Google Cloud within the proposed timeline. With the help of Pythian, the outdoor retailer is now running smoothly on Google Cloud, with strong disaster recovery plans in place—and the technical team now has confidence in the capabilities of their database.

Want to see similar results for your company?

Get in touch with a Pythian Google Cloud expert to see how our team can help.