Pythian’s new Apache Cassandra & DataStax services

2 min read
Jul 8, 2015

Addition of support for Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise extends Pythian’s leadership in extreme-scale database deployments and big data services

OTTAWA, Canada – July 8, 2015 – Pythian, a global IT services company specializing in helping companies leverage disruptive technologies to optimize revenue-generating systems, today announced the general availability of its consulting and follow-the-sun managed services support for both Apache™ Cassandra™ and DataStax®, the company that delivers Apache Cassandra to the enterprise. Cassandra is an open-source, distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.

Pythian leverages an extensive suite of managed services, tools and database experience to get organizations up and running in their Cassandra and DataStax environments quickly, securely and reliably and ensures their database is continuously available and performing well.  Pythian provides companies with embedded expertise that works as an extension of their existing team(s) to create and execute Cassandra infrastructure projects—from evaluating business cases and creating proofs of concept (POCs), to designing architecture and selecting technology to deploying the solution and delivering ongoing operations support.

Pythian services for Cassandra and DataStax include:

  • architecture, implementation, migration and optimization according to best practices and specific client needs.
  • operational excellence with 24x7x365 monitoring, alerting, response and resolution support.
  • integration with other big data solutions, such as Apache Hadoop®, Apache Spark™ and Apache Kafka.

Pythian is one of the first companies to provide support for Cassandra and DataStax on a range of private, public, or hybrid cloud platforms including Amazon® Web Services (AWS) where Pythian is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, Microsoft® Azure™ where Pythian is a Silver Cloud Competency Partner and Google® where Pythian is a Google Cloud Platform partner.

DataStax and Cassandra join a long list of database technologies supported by Pythian–including MongoDB®, Couchbase®, Hadoop, MySQL®, Microsoft® SQL Server®, Oracle®, IBM® Netezza and HP® Vertica®. Pythian’s Cassandra consulting and managed services are now available. Pythian’s Cassandra consulting and managed services are now available.

About Pythian

Founded in 1997, Pythian ( is a global IT services company that helps companies compete by adopting disruptive technologies such as cloud, big data, advanced analytics and DevOps to advance innovation and increase agility. Specializing in designing, implementing and managing systems that directly contribute to revenue growth and business success, Pythian’s highly skilled technical teams work as an integrated extension of our clients’ organizations to deliver continuous transformation and uninterrupted operational excellence.

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