
Pythian uses different types of cookies on its website. Some cookies that are essential or necessary for the website to function properly and to ensure your navigation goes smoothly and your choices are honoured.  For example, we use, among others, cookies to preserve you user state across page requests, cookies to distinguish between humans and bots, cookies to determine if you have accepted the cookie consent box, cookies that store your consent state for the current domain and cookies to determine the type of device used to access the website so that the website is formatted accordingly. Without these cookies, we cannot provide you with the services you ask for.

In addition to these essential cookies, there may be other cookies that we enable and that, while not essential, help us to provide you with a better experience and to assess the performance of our website, so we can make improvements. For example, preference cookies enable us to identify your preferences and assign your device a unique ID in the event of online assistance or enable cookies consent across multiple websites. Statistics cookies help us to detect whether your navigation and interactions are included in the website’s data analytics, collect data on your navigation and behaviour on the website, monitor our website’s performance for statistical purposes, send data to our marketing platform (currently Hubspot), and collect anonymous statistical data related to your website’s visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded. Marketing Cookies are used, among other purposes, to measure the efficiency of advertisement on websites and collect information on users preferences and/or interaction with web-campaign content.

Some cookies do not collect any personal information from you, and they are used simply to improve the performance of our website. For example, if you visit a page on our website and you receive an error message, there are specific cookies that will let us know which page is failing, so we can correct the error, but we won’t know that it was you who received the error message.