Cloudscape podcast episode 13: recapping AWS re:Invent 2018

1 min read
Jan 3, 2019

This episode of the Cloudscape is dedicated to recapping the most exciting announcements from the recent AWS re:Invent conference and to help us do that we are joined by Pierig LeSaux! Pierig is kind enough to take us through a host of really interesting and thought-provoking products and updates that bode well for the cloud in 2019. We chat about the theme of machine learning that seemed run through a lot of the talk this year before launching into the specific announcements that piqued Pierig’s interest. We discuss drone hardware, satellites and text extraction. Pierig tells us about Aurora, Transit Gateway and Timestream and the updates made to DynamoDB and Lambda. For all this and much more be sure to join us! Key points from this episode: • The over-arching theme of machine learning at re:Invent this year. • AWS Outposts and what this means for on prem usage. • DeepRacer and a new type of drone hardware. • New developments that AWS is unveiling regarding satellites. • Textract and bringing machine learning into the OCR game. • Updates made to Amazon Security Hub and the overview it provides. • How Transit Gateway brings together disparate elements in AWS. • Control Tower and the aid it provides for users migrating to AWS. • Updates and expansion for Aurora. • The news regarding Timestream from re:Invent. • Information on the Quantum Ledger Database or QLDB. • DynamoDB and how it has addressed some criticisms. • A few new things from Lambda! • AWS FSx for Windows File Server. • App Mesh from AWS and how it simplifies communication channels. • How Firecracker could be used in the future. • Elastic Fabric Adapter and increased performance in the cloud. • A few new type of instance types. • And much more! Links mentioned in today’s episode: AWS re:Invent 2018 Pierig Le Laux Datascape Podcast Episode 22 AWS Outposts DeepRacer Textract QuickSight Security Hub Transit Gateway Control Tower Aurora Timestream Quantum Ledger Database DynamoDB Lambda AWS FSx for Windows File Server App Mesh AWS Firecracker Elastic Fabric Adapter

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