Cloudscape podcast episode 12: December 2018

1 min read
Dec 10, 2018

Today we are carrying on with our monthly roundup of cloud vendor announcements. We are without Amazon expert Greg Baker, as the next episode will be a dedicated expose on AWS' 2018 re-Invent summit, so stay tuned for that soon. We have Kartick Sekar from Google and Warner Chaves from Microsoft to steer the boat and give us all the juicy news that we need. We hear from Kartick about BigQuery, Cloud Spanner, Cloud NAT managed certificates for load balancers, preemptive TPUs and some IoT updates. Warner gives us a host of news from AWS including information on Confidential Computing, Digital Twins, Emotion Analysis and much more, so be sure to tune in for everything in store! Key points from this episode: • Some housekeeping for the podcast moving forward. • Microsoft Azure’s new Confidential Computing and secure enclaves. • The latest updates to Google BigQuery. • Microsoft Azure’s new Digital Twins feature for IoT. • The new Emotion analysis from Microsoft Azure. • Microsoft Azure’s Cognitive Services in containers. • Google’s Cloud Spanner update. • Static Data Masking in Microsoft Azure. • Some info on Google’s Cloud NAT. • Microsoft Azure’s Accelerated database recovery. • GCP’s managed certificates for load balancers. • The Query Store in Azure SQL DW. • The new SQL Server VM Resource Provider on Azure. • GCP’s preemptible TPUs for scaling up and down. • A couple updates on Azure’s HDInsight. • The new free tier in Azure MongoDB Atlas. • Some new things in IoT world for GCP. • And much more! Links mentioned in today's episode: Kartick Sekar Warner Chaves Greg Baker AWS re:Invent Datascape Podcast Pythian Confidential Computing BigQuery Digital Twins Emotion Detector Cognitive Services Cloud Spanner Static Data Masking Cloud NAT Query Store Nvidia HDInsight MongoDB Atlas

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