Datascape Podcast Episode 35 – Google Cloud Bigtable with Sandy Ghai

1 min read
Jul 29, 2019

Today on the Datascape Podcast we are joined by Sandy Ghai, who is the Product Manager for Google Cloud Bigtable.

Sandy is here to discuss her work and the ever-changing world of the cloud and why it is so exciting. We discuss some of her career history and how her journey has landed her in her current position before heading into some overview and history on Bigtable. Sandy gives us some great insight into how Bigtable fits into the market and what sets it apart from other comparable products. She is also in the unique position of being newish to the company and cloud field, and so gives a perspective that is both expert and that of a relative newcomer.

We discuss database administration, common use cases for customers and where the data is kept during processes using Bigtable. We also get into the tools and resources that are available for new and experienced customers alike.

For all of this and a whole lot more, tune in!

Key Points From This Episode:

A brief overview of Sandy’s career and how she came to work in the cloud.
Bigtable’s history and its technical definition.
The things that attracted Sandy to working in the cloud and specifically Bigtable.
What sets Bigtable apart from similar and competitive products.
The evolving role of a database administrator in relation to Bigtable.
Common use cases for Bigtable and Google Cloud’s customers.
Data storage during and after analysis in Bigtable.
Common themes and gotchas that Sandy has seen with customers.
Some of the tooling available to users of Bigtable.
Useful resources for Bigtable and schema design in general.
New ideas and features in Google Cloud and how they come about.
Good ways to reach out to the Bigtable team with feedback.
Replication, why it came to Bigtable and how it has been implemented.
Consistency and delay; reassuring customers that are new to the space.
Security concerns and Google’s attitude towards customer protection.
Looking to the future of Bigtable and what it may look like in a few years.
The lightning round with Sandy!
And much more!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Sandy Ghai
Sandy Ghai on Twitter
Key Visualizer
Cloud Dataflow
Cloud Spanner
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Dark Sky

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