How To Delete MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR Using emcli

1 min read
Jul 17, 2019

Problem: MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR are running on only one host at a time and when relocated, will be paged unnecessarily. One team member`s suggestion is to relocate MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR back to its original host. It does not make sense having to identify and relocate MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR to its original host. As it turns out, Doc ID 1933649.1, MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR should not be monitored. Here I will provide an example for how to delete monitoring for MGMTLSNR using emcli. MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR are currently running on host01: [code] $ srvctl status mgmtdb Database is enabled Instance -MGMTDB is running on node host01 $ srvctl status mgmtlsnr Listener MGMTLSNR is enabled Listener MGMTLSNR is running on node(s): host01 [/code] Relocate MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR to host02: [code] $ srvctl relocate mgmtdb -node host02 $ srvctl status mgmtdb Database is enabled Instance -MGMTDB is running on node host02 $ srvctl status mgmtlsnr Listener MGMTLSNR is enabled Listener MGMTLSNR is running on node(s): host02 [/code] Received page - EM Event: Fatal:MGMTLSNR_host01 - The listener is down: TNS-12541: TNS:no listener Delete MGMTLSNR from OMS host (MGMTDB was not being monitored: [code] $ grep oms /etc/oratab oms:/u01/middleware/13.2.0:N $ . oraenv <<< oms $ emcli login -username=SYSMAN Enter password : Login successful $ emcli sync Synchronized successfully $ emcli get_targets|grep -i MGMT 1 Up oracle_listener MGMTLSNR_host01 $ emcli delete_target -name="MGMTLSNR_host01" -type="oracle_listener" Target "MGMTLSNR_host01:oracle_listener" deleted successfully $ emcli sync $ emcli get_targets|grep -i MGMT [/code] In conclusion, MGMTDB and MGMTLSNR should not be monitored and if they are monitored, then it's best to remove monitoring.

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