Datascape Podcast Ep 34 – Recapping Microsoft Build 2019 with Warner Chaves

1 min read
Jun 20, 2019

Today on the Datascape Podcast we are joined by Warner Chaves to discuss the most exciting announcements from the recent Microsoft Build 2019 Conference!

We run through a host of different products and services with Warner, hand-picking the most most important, and his favorites, to talk about. The conversation covers SQL Database, Hyperscale and Postgres before turning to SQL DW and Azure Data Factory. Warner explains why Azure’s new services related to the blockchain are really exciting and much more reliable for those in the field. From there we move on to Cosmos Database, Azure Data Explorer and the newest in Cognitive Services. Warner unpacks a bunch of stuff about Azure Machine Learning and Kubernetes before we wrap up with a section on Azure Functions. So for all this great news and more, tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

• Azure SQL DB’s new server-less offering and IOT story.
• Hyperscale, PostgreSQL and their latest developments.
• The new features announced for Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
• Azure Data Factory’s newest developments and Warner’s blog post about it.
• New etcd and Spark APIs and more for Cosmos DB.
• Blockchain as a service and why it is so much better on Azure.
• Microsoft’s new data engine, Azure Data Explorer!
• A few of the exciting updates from Cognitive Services.
• Machine Learning Ops and more from Azure ML.
• Autoscaling in Microsoft’s Kubernetes service.
• Azure Functions’ new premium plan and integration of with API management.
• The new lightning round question with Warner!
• And much more!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Microsoft Build
Warner Chaves on Twitter
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure Data Factory
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Data Explorer
Cognitive Services
Azure ML Services
Azure Functions

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