How to Improve Customer Segmentation Through Improved Data Quality

3 min read
Feb 16, 2024

If you’re a marketer looking to do more with customer segmentation, then you need good data. From there, you can set a foundation for more effective marketing, personalized services, and overall customer satisfaction.

Customer segmentation can help to inform your marketing strategy, including delivery channels—and even inspire new products or features. It also helps to ensure that the right message is targeted to the right customer at the right time—so you delight your customers, rather than annoy them with marketing messages that aren’t relevant.

Organizations typically have a lot of customer data, but they may not be leveraging that data to its fullest capacity, or they may have gaps that make it hard to go beyond the basics. For example, many organizations have basic data like what products a customer has purchased in the past or where they live.

More advanced organizations often enrich their customer databases with additional details collected during the sale or checkout process, including demographics like age and gender, professional information such as job titles, and insights into purchasing behavior, such as the reason for purchase. This data may be further augmented by acquiring third-party information, providing a broader view of a customer's lifestyle, including estimated household income, personal interests, and spending patterns in specific product categories. When this wealth of information is integrated with insights from social media and advertising efforts, the volume of data at the disposal of marketing teams becomes expansive.

However, possessing a large repository of data is only the starting point. The real challenge—and opportunity—lies in the quality of this data. You need to ensure that it’s accurate, consistent and compliant. Only then can you start to use it effectively for marketing purposes.

Connecting Data to Valuable Insights

In the dynamic landscape of marketing, the ability to segment your customer base stands as a cornerstone of success. This process, however, hinges on the quality, integration, and actionable intelligence of your data. To steer your organization towards a future where customer segmentation is not just a concept but a powerful operational tool, it's essential to adopt a systematic approach. Below, we outline a series of strategic steps that harness the capabilities of Google Cloud.

Integrate data from various sources: Start by consolidating your data from different systems and channels, such as CRM, transactional databases, web analytics, and social media, using Google Cloud’s data integration tools like Dataflow or Dataprep.

Clean and standardize data: Using Dataflow or Dataprep, clean and standardize data to ensure consistency across data formats, remove duplicates, and correct errors. 

Implement data quality monitoring tools: You can regularly monitor and assess data quality using Google’s data quality monitoring tools to identify discrepancies, anomalies, or outliers.

Leverage machine learning models for data quality: Machine learning models can also help to automatically identify and rectify data quality issues. For example, Google Cloud’s AutoML or TensorFlow can be used for building custom models for data quality enhancement.

Establish data governance policies: Define and implement data governance policies using Google Cloud’s data catalog and data loss prevention tools, which can help to ensure data accuracy, security, and compliance.

Stay up-to-date with real-time data processing: Tools like Google Cloud’s Pub/Sub and Dataflow can be used for real-time processing of customer data, allowing you to respond quickly to changes in customer behavior and update segmentation in real-time.

Build a comprehensive customer 360-degree view: By using BigQuery for data warehousing and analytics, you can integrate customer data across touchpoints to create a unified customer profile and gain insights into customer behavior. 

Apply advanced analytics and AI models: From there, you can leverage Google Cloud’s AI and ML capabilities to uncover patterns and insights in customer data via tools like BigQuery ML for machine learning on BigQuery data.

Integrate data with personalization engines: Feed customer segmentation data into personalization engines to enhance your ability to deliver personalized content and experiences.

Leverage Google Cloud’s scalable infrastructure: Serverless solutions and scalable storage options can accommodate evolving data requirements, ensuring that your data processing and storage infrastructure can scale to handle growing volumes of data.

Taking the Next Step Towards Better Segmentation

By leveraging Google Cloud’s tools and services, organizations can enhance their data quality, leading to more accurate and actionable customer segmentation for improved marketing and customer engagement efforts. And when you have the right partner by your side, like a Google Cloud managed service provider with deep expertise in machine learning, AI and a proven track record of success, you can start turning your data into actionable insights, quickly.

Get in touch with a Pythian Google Cloud expert at to see how our team can help.

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