Apex Interactive Report: A link column with a clickable icon

7 min read
Dec 20, 2021

Apex Interactive Report: A link column with a clickable icon

In a couple of cases, we want to have a button (or an image) added to an IR column working with an “on-click” event. It’s different of selecting rows and clicking on a single button to execute a task (such as a checkbox column). In this case, the goal is clicking on the icon to execute a task, such as changing the user status when the “gear” icon is clicked.

Interface gráfica do usuário Descrição gerada automaticamente

Let’s create it step by step …

First, add an IR report to your Apex application (without the “Change Status” column). For this example, we will use a table “tab_users” and the report using the following query:

select user_id, 
       case when status = 0 then 'Active' else 'Inactive' end as Status
from tab_users;

Tela de computador com texto preto sobre fundo branco Descrição gerada automaticamente


Now, let’s add one more column with an icon that can be clicked and, when clicked, it will execute a database change.

To accomplish this, we need to complete three steps:

  1. Add a new hidden item to the report: It will store the user_id and will be used by the SQL update statement
  2. Add and configure a new link column to the report whose content will be an icon
  3. Create an On Click Dynamic Action that will execute the change of user’s status
Step 1: Add a new hidden item to the report

For your IR region, add a new hidden item. In this example, the item P2_USER_ID was used.

Make sure that you have disabled the option “Value Protected”

Tela de celular com publicação numa rede social Descrição gerada automaticamente

Step 2: Add and configure a new link column to the report whose content will be an icon.

Change the report query adding a new column that will contain an icon. You can find the icons and their classes using the URL: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=42:icons

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo, Site Descrição gerada automaticamente

The new column will have the following:

‘<span class=”t-Icon fa fa-gears change-status” aria hidden=”true”></span>’

Note: change-status is the name given to the JQuery Selector in this case

select user_id, 
       case when status = 0 then 'Active' else 'Inactive' end as Status,
       '<span class="t-Icon fa fa-gears change-status" aria-hidden="true"></span>' LINKCOLUMN
from tab_users ;

Change the following attributes of new LINKCOLUMN

  • Type: Link
  • Alignment: Center
  • Heading: Change Status
  • Column Alignment: Center
  • Link
    • Type: URL
    • URL: javascript:void(null);
  • Link Text: #LINKCOLUMN#
  • Link Attribute: data-id=#USER_ID#

Tela de computador com texto preto sobre fundo branco Descrição gerada automaticamente

Disable all the options of “Enable Users to”

Uma imagem contendo Texto Descrição gerada automaticamente

And finally, disable “Escape Special Characters” to enable the browser to render the HTML

Ícone Descrição gerada automaticamente

Run the report to make sure that the new column is being rendered as expected:

Tabela Descrição gerada automaticamente com confiança média

Yeah!!! we have the column with the icon

Now, it’s time to create the dynamic actions that will update the user status when clicked on the gears icon.

Step 3: Create an On Click Dynamic Action that will execute the change of user’s status:

Add a new DA for a click event.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo Descrição gerada automaticamente

  • When: Click
  • Selection Type:  JQuery Selector
  • JQuery Selector:  .change-status

The JQuery Selector name must be the same used in the added column text and the name prefixed by a dot (“.”)

Tela de celular com aplicativo aberto Descrição gerada automaticamente

The dynamic action will have 3 TRUE actions:

  1. Set the value of P2_USER_ID hidden field
  2. Execute the database change
  3. Submit the page
1) Set the value of P2_USER_ID hidden field
  • Action: Set Value
  • Set Type: Java Script Expression
  • Java Script Expression: $(this.triggeringElement).parent().data(‘id’)
  • Affected Elements Item: P2_USER_ID

Tela de celular com aplicativo aberto Descrição gerada automaticamente

2) Execute the database change
  • Action: Execute Server-side code
  • Language: PLSQL
  • PLSQL CODE: — for this example, let’s switch the user’s status
     UPDATE tab_users
     SET status = CASE WHEN status = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
     WHERE user_id = : P2_USER_ID;
  • Items to submit: P2_USER_ID

Tela de computador com texto preto sobre fundo branco Descrição gerada automaticamente

3) Submit the page
  • Action: Submit Page

Tela de celular com aplicativo aberto Descrição gerada automaticamente

That’s it ;)

Run your report and click on the gear icon. The user’s status will be updated in the database.

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