Change Port Number in Common Object Service (COS) Naming Service for Reports Server Discovery

2 min read
Mar 30, 2021

Recently I received a request to change the port number used by an Oracle reports naming server. I looked into MOS and found no direct notes to address this change. Here are the details:

Our Environment:

  • Oracle Weblogic Application running in version
  • Oracle Forms and Reports version using this Weblogic Infrastructure.
  • No use of Standalone Reports Server.
  • The naming server name is “Cos,” using the default port 14021.

Procedure followed:

1. Take the status of the current configuration.

[oratest@testserver ~]$ $DOMAIN_HOME/reports/bin/ -findAll

Reading the rwnetwork.conf from : /oracle/oratest/middleware/user_projects/domains/oratest/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsToolsComponent/reptools1/rwnetwork.conf

Naming service used to locate servers
Naming Server host =
Naming Server port = 14021

(1) rep_test-12c : Type = server : Host = NA

2. Stop the required report server services from the WebLogic console. In my case, I stopped the server, namely “WLS_REPORTS.” I also stopped the naming server services manually.

[oratest@testserver ~]nohup $DOMAIN_HOME/reports/bin/ 14021 shutdown >>$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/rnm.out &

3. Carefully review MOS 2071812.1 to find the correct files requiring modification.

Ref. MOS Note:
New 12c Directory Paths for Reports Configuration Files (Doc ID 2071812.1)

4. In my case, I took a backup of “rwnetwork.conf” file from these two locations:

[oratest@testserver ~]$ cd /oracle/oratest/middleware/user_projects/domains/oratest/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS/applications/reports_12.2.1/configuration
[oratest@testserver ~]$ cp rwnetwork.conf rwnetwork.conf_bak
[oratest@testserver ~]$ cd /oracle/oratest/middleware/user_projects/domains/oratest/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsToolsComponent/reptools1
[oratest@testserver ~]$ cp rwnetwork.conf rwnetwork.conf_bak

5. Change the port number from 14021 to 14022 in just these two “rwnetwork.conf” files:

<namingService name="Cos" host="" port="14021"/>
<namingService name="Cos" host="" port="14022"/>

6. Remember the suggested port number range for this service is from 14021 to 14030. I also suggest reviewing “Oracle Forms and Reports 12.2.1” documentation for more details.
Oracle Forms and Reports 12.2.1
Fusion Middleware Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle Reports Services
It is strongly recommended that you do not change the default channel and port unless it is absolutely necessary. The default port value for rwnetwork.conf is assigned when you install Oracle Fusion Middleware.
If you want to customize rwnetwork.conf, you must specify a valid port range reserved for Reports Server (14021 to 14030).

7. Start the naming server services using this new port as follows:

[oratest@testserver ~]nohup $DOMAIN_HOME/reports/bin/ 14022 >>$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/rnm.out &

8. Also start WLS_REPORTS server from the Weblogic console and confirm all the services are running fine. Now the command is giving the following status:

[oratest@testserver ~]$ $DOMAIN_HOME/reports/bin/ -findAll

Reading the rwnetwork.conf from : /oracle/oratest/middleware/user_projects/domains/oratest/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsToolsComponent/reptools1/rwnetwork.conf

Naming service used to locate servers
Naming Server host =
Naming Server port = 14022

(1) rep_test-12c : Type = server : Host = NA

I don’t see any other issues reported after this change. So this is now a request to be mapped from our administrator’s end.

Other useful notes for reference:
How to Enable Namingservice Discovery Mechanism for all Reports Server in Reports 12c (Doc ID 2205595.1)
How to Start and Stop NamingService in 12c (Doc ID 2757083.1)

I hope this can be of help to you.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please leave them in the comments.

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