Datascape episode 28 - getting to know CockroachDB with Fernando Ipar

1 min read
May 31, 2018

Today on the show we welcome Fernando Ipar. Fernando is a Principal Consultant at Pythian. Prior to that, he worked for seven years in many roles at Percona and has over 10 years experience as a freelancer and a small business owner. Fernando has also been involved in the open source community as a user since 1997 and as a programmer since 2002, contributing to a few projects and leading some of his own. I recently got wind of Cockroach DB, the SQL database for global cloud services, and luckily, happened to know that Fernando is a devout enthusiast. The CockroachDB process was introduced in 2015. It went from 1-0 in 2017 to 2-0 just last month – making it an exciting new program to explore! In this episode, Fernando takes us through the database and helps us understand what it is, where we can use it, how we can learn it and of course the burning question – why was it named after a cockroach? Key points from this episode: • Learn more about Fernando’s history in the industry to date. • Discover why CockroachDB was named after a cockroach. • Why the name CockroachDB stuck despite public requests to change it. • Exactly what is Cockroach DB and how does it work? • The difference between the free and paid version of CockroachDB. • Geo-redundancy and how replication works with CockroachDB. • Find out how CockroachDB leverages raft for consensus. • Discover the most expensive operations on CockroachDB. • Learn how a cluster is detected and how it reacts in CockroachDB. • The language CockroachDB is written in and why it is inspired by Google Spanner. • Which cloud should a cloud-scale database like CockroachDB be run on? • Some of the customer implementations of the software. • Query language and the SQL standards the program conforms to. • The Cockroach Lab Forum and other good ways to learn the system. • And much more! Links mentioned in today's episode: Fernando Ipar Website Fernando Ipar on LinkedIn Mongo Google Spanner Galera MySQL CockroachDB Cassandra Nodes: The Art of Computer Programming Carrie Millsap's Optimizing Oracle Performance Slack E-Max

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