Datascape Episode 61: CockroachBD and Distributed Databases with Daniel Holt

1 min read
Jul 19, 2022

Episode 61 Shownotes

Welcome to another episode of the Datascape Podcast. In this episode, Cockroach Labs Director of Sales Engineering International (EMEA and APAC)

Daniel Holt shares his thoughts about the exciting database product.

The hosts take on different topics, including CockroachDB’s role in the market, its features, and applications, migration and architecture expectations, plus Cockroach Labs’ plans and available resources.

Tune in to this information-packed episode to learn more.



Key Points From this Episode

  • Introduction of today’s topic: CockroachDB and distributed databases.
  • Daniel outlines his background and extensive experience, including CosmosDB, DataStax, Cassandra, and PostgreSQL.
  • Daniel describes the database evolution curb, including the lack of scalability in database languages.
  • The hosts discuss how CockroachDB fills the flexibility and scalability gaps and features, including minimum specs, replication factor, and survivability.
  • The hosts discuss resiliency.
  • Daniel describes the required client education when moving to distributed systems from SMP-type architectures.
  • The hosts compare tooling ecosystems for CockroachDB.
  • The hosts discuss migration tooling for light online and traditional migrations.
  • Daniel talks about common challenges businesses face when migrating to CockroachDB, including storage sizing.
  • Daniel describes the common architecture pattern with analytics when implementing CockroachDB.
  • The hosts discuss the different CockroachDB versions, including Cockroach Dedicated, and their features.
  • The hosts discuss growth at Cockroach Labs and online company resources.


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode


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