Datascape podcast episode 25 – Azure SQL Database & Paas offerings

1 min read
Apr 12, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Datascape podcast. Today we are joined by our regular guest and friend, Warner Chaves to chat about Microsoft Azure SQL Database. We are always glad to have Warner on the show and today is no different as we unpack an exciting new product from Microsoft. In our conversation we go in-depth on the features and specifics of the service as well as helping to decide when Azure SQL Database might be the right choice for our listeners. We also compare it to its counterpart from Amazon and Microsoft’s own SQL Managed Instance. Warner does not skimp on his exploration and helps us look at some of the limitations as well as telling us about his favorite new features. Apart from that,  we chat about security, the different purchasing models and the role of DBAs in relation to these developments.

Key points from this episode: 

• The value proposition of Platform as a Service.
• How Database as a Service relates and fits into Platform as a Service.
• Specifics about Azure SQL Database.
• What the Azure SQL Database service was like when it first came out.
• How to decide whether Azure SQL Database is the right product for your needs.
• Comparing the Azure SQL Database with the SQL Managed Instances.
• Looking at some of the limitations of Azure SQL Database.
• How this software can affect the roles of DBAs.
• Comparing Azure SQL Database with Amazon’s RDS.
• The most exciting new features of Azure SQL Database.
• The two different purchasing models that are available today.
• The availability options and how they compare.
• The new security feature on Azure SQL Database.
• Imagining the short term future of Azure SQL Database.
• A few learning resources and sample databases to introduce Azure SQL Database.
• And much more!

Links mentioned in today’s episode:

Cloudscape Podcast
Azure SQL DB
Episode One
Amazon RDS for SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server
Azure Functions
Microsoft Virtual Academy 

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