Exadata TPC Benchmarks

1 min read
Aug 12, 2010

One of the questions in my webinar this week related to TPC benchmark results for Exadata. Kevin Closson blogged about a TPC-H test run against an Exadata V1 machine back in June 2009. It was the fastest 1,000GB TPC-H result at the time, but has since been overtaken by a ParAccel result that makes a mockery of the benchmark according to Curt Monash by running almost entirely in RAM.

I’m not aware of any TPC results for Exadata V2. However a TPC-C test was run in late 2009 using a Sun F5100 flash array on Sun T5540 servers, setting a record for the benchmark that still stands.

The Oracle wiki has a great overview of the various benchmarks and what they actually measure.

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