How to Find Clusterware Configuration Details Using srvctl
At times, you may be required to gather information about Oracle Clusterware configuration details. Instead of running multiple commands, information can be gathered using one simple command. This should work with srvctl version: or higher.
oracle@ol7-19-rac2 ~]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/19.0.0/grid [oracle@ol7-19-rac2 ~]$ srvctl -version srvctl version: [oracle@ol7-19-rac2 ~]$ srvctl config all Oracle Clusterware configuration details ======================================== Oracle Clusterware basic information ------------------------------------ Operating system Linux Name ol7-19-cluster Class STANDALONE Cluster nodes ol7-19-rac1, ol7-19-rac2 Version Groups SYSOPER: SYSASM:dba SYSRAC:dba SYSDBA:dba OCR locations +DATA Voting disk locations DATA Voting disk file paths /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk3 Cluster network configuration details ------------------------------------- Interface name Type Subnet Classification eth1 IPV4 PUBLIC eth2 IPV4 PRIVATE, ASM SCAN configuration details -------------------------- SCAN "ol7-19-scan" details ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name ol7-19-scan IPv4 subnet DHCP server type static End points TCP:1521 SCAN listeners -------------- Name VIP address LISTENER_SCAN1 LISTENER_SCAN2 LISTENER_SCAN3 ASM configuration details ------------------------- Mode remote Password file +DATA SPFILE +DATA ASM disk group details ++++++++++++++++++++++ Name Redundancy DATA EXTERN Database configuration details ============================== Database "ora.cdbrac.db" details -------------------------------- Name ora.cdbrac.db Type RAC Version Role PRIMARY Management AUTOMATIC policy SPFILE +DATA Password file +DATA Groups OSDBA:dba OSOPER:oper OSBACKUP:dba OSDG:dba OSKM:dba OSRAC:dba Oracle home /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1 [oracle@ol7-19-rac2 ~]$In summary, srvctl config all should make a DBA's life a little easier.
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