Migrating to Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL Database

1 min read
Jul 15, 2020

Migrating to Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL Database - a webinar by Warner Chaves Register today Are you considering a migration to Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL Database? Before you go any further, join Warner Chaves, Pythian’s Microsoft Data Platform MVP for this 60-minute on-demand webinar where he will outline:
  • Why migrate a workload to SQL Server
  • Compelling features of SQL Server
  • On-premises vs. cloud
  • Migration methodology
  • Real migration use cases based on Warner's experiences
  • Demo of Microsoft Migration Assistant
Whether you’re looking to upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server, move your SQL Server database to the public cloud, migrate from SQL Server to Azure SQL database, or migrate data to SQL Server from another database, Warner will provide answers to all of your questions. Listen now.

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