Personal finance company develops secure data sharing with assistance from Pythian’s experts

1 min read
May 7, 2019

A large personal finance company benefitted from Pythian’s expertise to help them share data securely and keep customer information safe. Pythian provided Google BigQuery expertise and developed innovative solutions to ensure secure multi-tenancy access to their data. The finance company was seeking expert advice on a permissions model and project structure for Google BigQuery, and needed assistance with allocating data storage costs by department. The company’s IT Data Integration team wanted to consolidate their customized applications and their data from public and commercial providers, and build a modern data warehouse using Google BigQuery as a centralized hub and analytics engine. Two separate business units needed to share data securely in compliance with strict legal and security requirements. In addition, the data sharing process had to be efficient without duplicating data, and revoking access without any traces had to be easy. Google BiqQuery was relatively new, yet Pythian’s experts have been working with it since it came to market, and they had the expertise the large personal finance company required. A s a result, Pythian was able to offer the critical insight necessary to ensure that making the consented data available was a straightforward process. And although Google BigQuery did not have the built-in user and permissions management facilities required by the company, Pythian’s experts were able to come up with creative workarounds to achieve the desired outcomes. The result is that data sharing for the personal finance company is now an efficient process, and enabling and revoking access is quick and easy. Most importantly, consumer’s personally identifiable information is secure when data sharing is required. Learn how Pythian’s big data and data warehouse modernization expertise enabled secure multi-tenancy while meeting stringent legal and security requirements.  

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