PRKO-2002 : small things, large shadows

1 min read
Feb 22, 2016

This quick and short blog post is a reminder to remember the syntax. I was just trying to bring down local listeners at half rack of Exadata (11gR2) to perform some maintenance. The best way to shutdown resources in RAC is to use srvctl so was trying to run following after setting Grid home as Oracle home, from where the local listeners were running: [oracle@mytestexa1:~]$ srvctl stop listener LISTENER PRKO-2002 : Invalid command line option: LISTENER [oracle@mytestexa1:~]$ srvctl status listener Listener LISTENER is enabled Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): mytestexa2,mytestexa4,mytestexa1,mytestexa3 Hmmmm. ok, then I tried this: [oracle@mytestexa1:~]$ srvctl stop listener LISTENER -n mytestexa1 PRKO-2002 : Invalid command line option: LISTENER Well, ummm ok, then I tried this one: [oracle@mytestexa1:~]$ srvctl stop listener -n mytestexa1 [oracle@mytestexa1:~]$ srvctl status listener Listener LISTENER is enabled Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): mytestexa2,mytestexa4,mytestexa3 And it worked. Yes, if the default listener name is not in use, then -l listener_name should be used. So need to remember the syntax :) . Small things, but in emergencies they cast large shadows for a while.

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