Silent Rollback From an Out-of-Place Patching For Oracle 19c GI

5 min read
Oct 27, 2020

My last post dealt with how to do an out-of-place patching for Oracle GI (Grid Infrastructure). The next thing I wanted to try was the rollback procedure for this methodology. I searched in MOS (My Oracle Support) and the Oracle documentation but couldn't find rollback instructions using

The first thing I did was try to follow the document 2419319.1 for OOP rollback using OPatchAuto, but I faced the error below:

[root@node2 ~]# . oraenv
 ORACLE_SID = [root] ? +ASM2
 The Oracle base has been set to /u01/app/grid
 [root@node2 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -downgrade
 Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/
 The log of current session can be found at:
 2020/10/08 11:01:29 CLSRSC-416: Failed to retrieve old Grid Infrastructure configuration data during downgrade
 Died at /u01/app/ line 760.
 The command '/u01/app/ -I/u01/app/ -I/u01/app/ -I/u01/app/ /u01/app/ -downgrade' execution failed

The log mentions there is no previous GI information for the CRS downgrade. This is because I did an OOP patching to 19.8 from the source 19.3 binaries, and the previous version of the GI home was never in place prior to 19.8. CLSRSC-416: Failed to retrieve old Grid Infrastructure configuration data during downgrade

Right after the error, I checked that everything was still OK with the 19.8 GI.

[root@node2 ~]# crsctl check cluster -all
 CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
 CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
 CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
 CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
 CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
 CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
 [root@node2 ~]# crsctl query crs releasepatch
 Oracle Clusterware release patch level is [441346801] and the complete list of patches 
 [31281355 31304218 31305087 31335188 ] have been applied on the local node. 
 The release patch string is [].
 [root@node2 ~]# crsctl query crs activeversion -f
 Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []. 
 The cluster upgrade state is [NORMAL]. The cluster active patch level is [441346801].

My next idea was to try the same procedure I used to switch from the 19.6 to 19.8 GI. Since I had already detached the 19.6 GI, I had to reattach it to the inventory. Be aware that you have to reattach the GI_HOME in all the nodes, below is just an example of node 1.

[grid@node1 ~]$ /u01/app/ -attachhome \
  -silent ORACLE_HOME="/u01/app/" \

Again I proceeded to unset my Oracle variables and set the 19.6 GI home.

[grid@node1 ~]$ unset ORACLE_BASE
 [grid@node1 ~]$ unset ORACLE_HOME
 [grid@node1 ~]$ unset ORA_CRS_HOME
 [grid@node1 ~]$ unset ORACLE_SID
 [grid@node1 ~]$ unset TNS_ADMIN
 [grid@node1 ~]$ env | egrep "ORA|TNS" | wc -l
 [grid@node1 ~]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
 [grid@node1 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME

Once I had reattached the 19.6 GI home and unset my variables, I tried to do the switch, but got a lot of errors due to permissions.

[grid@node1 grid]$ pwd
 [grid@node1 grid]$ ./ -switchGridHome -silent
 Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard...
 You can find the log of this install session at:
 Could not backup file /u01/app/ to 
 Could not backup file /u01/app/ to 
 [FATAL] Failed to restore the saved templates to the Oracle home being cloned. Aborting the clone operation.

I realized that I had forgotten to change the ownership back to grid:oinstall as it kept the ownership of certain files and directories as root. I proceeded to change the permissions of the 19.6 GI home.

[root@node1 ~]# cd /u01/app/
 [root@node1]# chown -R grid:oinstall ./grid
 [root@node2 ~]# cd /u01/app/
 [root@node2]# chown -R grid:oinstall ./grid

After I had changed the permissions, I ran the command as the grid owner by unsetting the Oracle variables. This is the same command I used for the 19.8 patching but this time it was from the 19.6 GI home.

[grid@node1 grid]$ pwd
 [grid@node1 grid]$ ./ -switchGridHome -silent
 Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard...
 You can find the log of this install session at:
 As a root user, execute the following script(s):
  1. /u01/app/
 Execute /u01/app/ on the following nodes: 
 [node1, node2]
 Run the scripts on the local node first. After successful completion, run the scripts in sequence on all other nodes.
 Successfully Setup Software.

After the finished, the only thing I needed to do was to run the commands.

[root@node1 ~]# /u01/app/
 Check /u01/app/ for the output of root script
 [root@node2 ~]# /u01/app/
 Check /u01/app/ for the output of root script

My final step was to verify that everything was running correctly from the 19.6 GI home.

[grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl query crs releasepatch
 Oracle Clusterware release patch level is [2701864972] and the complete list of patches 
 [30489227 30489632 30557433 30655595 ] have been applied on the local node. 
 The release patch string is [].
 [grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl query crs activeversion -f
 Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []. 
 The cluster upgrade state is [NORMAL]. The cluster active patch level is [2701864972].
 [grid@node1 ~]$ ./ -a
 Cluster rene-ace-c
  Type | Name | node1 | node2 |
  asm | asm | Online | Online |
  asmnetwork | asmnet1 | Online | Online |
  chad | chad | Online | Online |
  cvu | cvu | Online | - |
  dg | DATA | Online | Online |
  dg | RECO | Online | Online |
  network | net1 | Online | Online |
  ons | ons | Online | Online |
  qosmserver | qosmserver | Online | - |
  vip | node1 | Online | - |
  vip | node2 | - | Online |
  vip | scan1 | - | Online |
  vip | scan2 | Online | - |
  vip | scan3 | Online | - |
  x : Resource is disabled
  : Has been restarted less than 24 hours ago
  Listener | Port | node1 | node2 | Type |
  ASMNET1LSNR_ASM| TCP:1525 | Online | Online | Listener |
  LISTENER | TCP:1521 | Online | Online | Listener |
  LISTENER_SCAN1 | TCP:1521 | - | Online | SCAN |
  LISTENER_SCAN2 | TCP:1521 | Online | - | SCAN |
  LISTENER_SCAN3 | TCP:1521 | Online | - | SCAN |
  DB | Version | node1 | node2 | DB Type |
  renedev | (1) | - | Open | SINGLE (P) |
  reneqa | (2) | Open | Open | RAC (P) |

I hope these two posts are helpful if you try this methodology. Should you face an error, be sure to let me know and I'll try to help out.

Note: This was originally published on

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