Rene Antunez

"Currently I am an Oracle ACE ; Speaker at Oracle Open World, Oracle Developers Day, OTN Tour Latin America and APAC region and IOUG Collaborate ; Past Co-President of ORAMEX (Mexico Oracle User Group); At the moment I am an Oracle Project Engineer at Pythian. In my free time I like to say that I'm Movie Fanatic, Music Lover and bringing the best from México (Mexihtli) to the rest of the world and in the process photographing it ;)"

Recent stories

How I Finished a GI OOP Patching From 19.6 to 19.8 After Facing cluutil: No Such File or Directory and clsrsc-740 Errors

This past weekend I was doing a production grid infrastructure (GI) out-of-place patching (OOP) from 19.6 to 19.8 for a ...

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How I Finished a Recovery From an Active Duplicate After Facing Errors ORA-19909 and ORA-01110

The other day I was doing a database cloning in from an active duplicate, and got the following error: ...

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Converting Oracle Enterprise Manager Management Service (OMS) Repository from Legacy Non-CDB to CDB Architecture

The other day I was given the task of converting a single instance Oracle Enterprise Manager Management Service (OMS) ...

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