Step-by-Step Installation of an EBS 12.2 Vision Instance

18 min read
Oct 7, 2013

It's here! It's here! It's finally here!

(what, you don't get excited when you get new toys?) Now that version 12.2 of Oracle Applications has been released, it's time for eager Apps DBAs and non-DBA EBS geeks to get their hands dirty with new features! This post will walk through the steps required to install a single-node "Vision" instance of E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Apps DBAs can certainly learn a lot about the technical pieces of EBS 12.2 just by installing an empty, unconfigured "Prod" instance. I'm covering a Vision install in this post because I prefer having real data to play with, and don't have time to learn how to configure all the apps modules myself. :) This exercise is not for the faint of heart, nor the impatient, but it's not terribly complicated. If you've done Vision installs for the 11i or R12.0/12.1 versions of E-Business Suite, you're already familiar with the basics. Unlike previous versions of EBS, though, installing a test instance 12.2 onto a laptop or mid-grade workstation is a very tight squeeze. If you have a lab machine with server-class resources, I strongly recommend starting there. Since "can I run this on my personal workstation?" is a common question about EBS Vision installs, however, I'm going to walk through what I've done to get 12.2 running on my laptop. Still with me? Let's get going.


These are early days for EBS 12.2, and while this guide should be sufficient to get you started, you should keep an eye out for additional patches, updates to instructions, etc. Here are the base notes, and a few others released shortly after the software went GA. These are also the references you should consult if you suspect that I missed something in this guide. Hey, it could happen.

You will need...

At a minimum, your test server will need:
  • 2 CPU cores, more if you have them.
  • 8GB of RAM. No, really. You'll need it all. If you skimp on memory, you'll find that patching in particular will be intolerably long at best, and prone to failure at worst.
  • Lots of disk space. In addition to the usual 10-12 GB for root+swap, you need 40G for the software staging area, and 275-300G for the database and applications. If you want to split apps and database, allocate 200G for the database and the remainder for the apps. If possible, put your staging area and the install target on separate physical devices.
  • Access to the internet/web/cloud/whatever, for downloading patches and OS packages. Alternatively, you can transfer these things manually, but who needs that kind of inconvenience?
In addition, you will need a lot of patience, and probably some side projects that don't involve using a keyboard. This little adventure is going to tie up your workstation for quite a while.

Install steps

  1. Download the EBS install media. I covered this in my earlier post about 12.2 prep, so I won't duplicate it here. Pay close attention to which zip files are actually required!
  2. Set up your Linux server. My server is running 64-bit Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 6.4. If you're installing on a different platform, your experience may be different. A full walkthrough of how to install Linux is beyond the scope of this post. If you need guidance, I recommend this OEL 6 install guide by the inimitable Tim Hall.I've covered most of the setup requirements (packages, disk sizing, etc.) in my previous post. Here are a few more details:
    • Important warning: Keep your hostname short! There's an item buried at the end of Note 1320300.1 that warns against using a SID and hostname combination that would make the instance name for the 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME (EBS_web_SID_hostname) longer than 30 characters. If your hostname is too long, the installer will fail when attempting to create the EBS web tier.
    • Set up /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network as described in the "Verifying Host Names" section of Note 1330701.1.
    • Adjust /etc/sysctl.conf. Full requirements are in Note 1330701.1, though I found that after installing the oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall package, I only needed to make one change:[plain gutter="0"]kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 142[/plain]
    • Create database and application software owners, oraInventory, and and /etc/oraInst.loc It's possible to have the entire instance owned by a single user, but splitting the ownership of the database and applications between two OS users makes management of the services a bit clearer, and more closely reflects the situation you'd expect to see in real life. You could also use the 'oracle' user created by the 11gr2 pre-install rpm as the database owner if you prefer, instead of 'oravis'.[plain gutter="0"][root@breen ~]# useradd oravis -g dba [root@breen ~]# useradd applvis -g dba [root@breen ~]# groups oravis applvis oravis : dba applvis : dba [root@breen ~]# passwd applvis Changing password for user applvis. New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. [root@breen ~]# passwd oravis Changing password for user oravis. New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. [root@breen ~]# cd /u01 [root@breen u01]# mkdir -m 775 oraInventory [root@breen u01]# chgrp dba oraInventory [root@breen u01]# chown oravis oraInventory [root@breen u01]# echo "inventory_loc=/u01/oraInventory" > /etc/oraInst.loc [root@breen u01]# chmod g+w /etc/oraInst.loc [root@breen u01]# chgrp dba /etc/oraInst.loc [/plain]
    • Adjust limits.conf[plain gutter="0"] * hard nofile 65536 * soft nofile 4096 * hard nproc 16384 * soft nproc 2047 * hard stack 16384 * soft stack 10240[/plain]
    • Create empty stage area and software install target. In my case, my staging directory is in /mnt/stage, and my database and software are going on /u01:[plain gutter="0"][root@breen u01]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg_breen-lv_root 20G 2.3G 17G 12% / tmpfs 3.0G 0 3.0G 0% /dev/shm /dev/sda1 485M 55M 405M 12% /boot /dev/mapper/vg_breen-lv_u01 287G 191M 272G 1% /u01 /dev/sdd1 79G 184M 75G 1% /mnt/stage 465G 383G 82G 83% /mnt/zips [root@breen u01]# mkdir -p oracle/VIS [root@breen u01]# chmod -R 775 . [root@breen u01]# chgrp -R dba . [root@breen u01]# cd /mnt/stage [root@breen u01]# mkdir Stage122[/plain]
  3. Stage the software ( earlier installs of Oracle Applications, staging is not as simple as unzipping all of the install media yourself. Use of the Oracle-supplied script to build a staging area is required. As you might guess from the df output in the previous step, I put the zip files containing the EBS 12.2 software in /mnt/zips. This is where will find and unpack the install media; the only thing we need to unzip manually is the Rapid Install software.When the run is complete, look for a "Stage area verified" message. If directories are listed as invalid, or if you see a message indicating that the stage area is incomplete, you'll need to identify the missing files and add them to your zip file location. Hint: if you need to run again, move the already-unzipped files out of the zip file stage location, and only add the new files for the next buildStage run. The second run will move along more quickly. Also, be aware that stage area "verification" is very basic: "Do the directories exist? Are they non-empty?" There is still a risk that a corrupted zip file could sink the whole enterprise. Hopefully you validated the zips after download with md5sum. :)[plain gutter="0" highlight="4,28,114-125"][root@breen stage]# pwd /mnt/stage [root@breen stage]# cd Stage122/ [root@breen Stage122]# unzip -q '/mnt/zips/V35215-01*.zip' -d . [root@breen Stage122]# cd startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/ [root@breen bin]# ./ Rapid Install Platform Menu------------------------------------------------------ 1. Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit) 2. Linux x86-64 3. IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit) 4. HP-UX Itanium 5. Exit Menu Enter your choice [5]: 2 /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jre/Linux_x64/1.6.0/bin/java -classpath /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/emocmutl.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ewt-3_4_22.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/share-1_1_18.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/jnls.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ACC.JAR:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/netcfg.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/ojdbc14.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../jlib/java /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin Please enter the directory containing the zipped installation media: /mnt/zips Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Unzipping Applying one-off patches All files have been unzipped. Stage area is complete. Done Unzipping shiphome ... StageBuilder will now stage the tech patches for Linux_x64... Copying one-off patches to shiphome /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../unzip/Linux_x64/unzip -o /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../Xpatches/ -d /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches Archive: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../Xpatches/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16303726/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/14123213/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/13923995/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/14751895/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16163946/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/14207902/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/15967134/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16438289/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/13931044/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16342486/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/14398795/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/12951696/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/12942119/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/14698700/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16587934/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16105745/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/DB/16040940/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/13583235/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14825718/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14353879/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14614795/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/16209520/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/16275529/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14597598/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14577216/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/16784403/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14386347/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/16199894/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/14374587/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/10152652/ extracting: /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/../../../../TechPatches/MiddleTier/11669923/ Done Copying additional patches Verifying stage area... Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/TechInstallMedia is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/TechPatches/DB is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/TechPatches/MiddleTier is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/EBSInstallMedia/AppDB is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/EBSInstallMedia/Apps is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/EBSInstallMedia/AS10.1.2 is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/TechInstallMedia/database is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/TechInstallMedia/ohs11116 is valid Directory /mnt/stage/Stage122/TechInstallMedia/wls1036_generic is valid Stage area verified. Press enter to continue...[/plain]
  4. [Optional] Adjust the RMAN restore script for the Vision database install, as discussed in my previous post.[plain gutter="0" highlight="8"][root@breen stage]# cd Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/template/ [root@breen template]# cp restore-single2.sql restore-single2.sql.orig [root@breen template]# vi restore-single2.sql [root@breen template]# cat restore-single2.sql --lines snipped for brevity-- set linesize 300 spool %s_db_oh%/appsutil/out/%s_contextname%%/%restore-single2.rman select 'configure device type DISK parallelism 1;' from dual; select 'catalog start with ''INSTALL'' NOPROMPT;' from dual; select 'RUN { ' from dual; select 'set newname for datafile '||file#||' to '||'''%s_dbhome1%/'||substr(NAME,instr(NAME,'%/%',-1)+1,length(NAME))||''';' from v$datafile; --lines snipped for brevity-- [root@breen template]# diff restore-single2.sql restore-single2.sql.orig 17d16 < select 'configure device type DISK parallelism 1;' from dual;[/plain]
  5. Start the EBS Installer I ran my installer in VNC, because I don't have a graphical console configured on my server. If you opted to install Gnome when you installed OEL, then you can just log in as root and launch the installer from the desktop.[plain gutter="0" highlight="11"][root@breen ~]# vncserver :1New ' (root)' desktop is Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /root/.vnc/ [root@breen ~]# export DISPLAY=:1 [root@breen ~]# xhost + access control disabled, clients can connect from any host [root@breen ~]# /mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/rapidwiz Rapid Install Wizard is validating your file system...... CMDDIR=/mnt/stage/Stage122/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz Rapid Install Wizard will now launch the Java Interface.....[/plain]
  6. Answer all the installer questions (screenshots ahoy, cap'n!) There are a handful of possible options, but for the most part I'm taking the defaults. Fewer changes means fewer opportunities for error. I'll experiment more when I'm not writing docs for others. ;-)
    • A few boring first steps: Opening splash screen; Confirming a new, non-express install; Declining security emails (unless you're into that sort of thing); Confirming a new configuration... 122RapidWizSplash122ChooseInstallType122EMailPrompt 122CreateNewConfig
    • Take the default port settings (note the two sets of ports, for patch and run filesystems) 122PortSettings
    • Database node configuration. In this case, two changes to make: selecting 'oravis' as the datbaase OS user, and changing the base dir to /u01/oracle/VIS. This will cascade through the rest of the config, no need to change elsewhere. 122DBNodeConfig
    • For the app node configuration, just change the Apps OS owner to 'applvis' 122AppNodeConfig
    • On the next screen, set a password for the Weblogic admin user, and supply the password you'd previously set for the applvis user. I left the remaining passwords at the default values, in compliance with protocol El-Ay-Zed-Why. 122Passwords
    • Click Next on the node info screen, and the system checks will start. Assuming you've sized your disks correctly, and set up the target directories, everything should look great at the end. Otherwise, fix any issues (denoted by a red "X" or "?") and retry. 122NodeInfo122SysCheck122ValidateComplete
    • When the validation checks are all green, you can launch the install and find something else to do for a few hours: 122GoButton
    You're going to be staring at that "Installing Oracle Applications..." window with its blue bars for quite a while. You can also watch for output from the terminal where you launched rapidwiz, and tail the log files there: [plain gutter="0" highlight="7"][root@breen u01]# Configuration file written to: /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_breen/conf_VIS.txt Configuration file written to: /u01/oracle/VIS/fs2/inst/apps/VIS_breen/conf_VIS.txt Configuration file written to: /u01/oracle/VIS/11.2.0/appsutil/conf_VIS.txt Database logfile - /u01/oracle/VIS/11.2.0/appsutil/log/VIS_breen/10051848.log[/plain]
  7. Confirm that you have all green checkmarks in the post-install verification window. On a slower system, the first pass at checking some of the services (HTTP, WLS Admin, etc) may fail. Before digging too far into troubleshooting, click "Retry" to see if the validation steps pass on a second attempt. Post-install validation window, EBS 12.2

Post-install steps

The following post-install steps are split between Notes 1320300.1 and 1330701.1. There's patching involved, which is pretty exciting, because you get to use the online patching tool (adop) right away (yay)! They're hot patches, though, so it's not a full, true online patch cycle yet (boo). That comes when it's time to update to EBS 12.2.2 (yay)! I'm presenting these steps in the order that I executed them, which in retrospect might not have been the most efficient, but it didn't break anything. A few post-install steps are given as pre-requisites for the 12.2.2 upgrade, so in the interest of keeping this post short (hah!) I'm leaving them until a later blog post. Since some of the steps required everything but the WLS admin server to be down, and one of the steps requires a database bounce, I just stopped all apps services before working on these steps: [plain gutter="0"][root@breen template]# sudo su - applvis [applvis@breen ~]$. /u01/oracle/VIS/EBSapps.env run E-Business Suite Environment Information ---------------------------------------- RUN File System : /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl PATCH File System : /u01/oracle/VIS/fs2/EBSapps/appl Non-Editioned File System : /u01/oracle/VIS/fs_ne DB Host: Service/SID: VIS [applvis@breen ~]$ export PATH=$PATH:$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME [applvis@breen ~]$[/plain] You'll need to supply the WLS admin password in addtion to the APPS username and password when running Get used to that. When reviewing my adop output below, please don't jump to any conclusions about "normal" patch timing. Remember, this output is generated on a severly underpowered system, and all of these steps were run before I figured out that my VM needed an extra 2GB of RAM. :-)
  1. 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME stub library update (Note 1330701.1, "After Installing or upgrading")[plain gutter="0"][applvis@breen other_patches]$ getOraPatch '' Oracle Support Userid: **** Oracle Support Password: 2013-09-27 01:17:42 URL: [17799/17799] -> "" [1] Completed with status: 0 [applvis@breen other_patches]$ unzip -tq No errors detected in compressed data of [applvis@breen other_patches]$ unzip -q [applvis@breen other_patches]$ cd /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/lib/ [applvis@breen lib]$ cp -p -R stubs stubsORIG [applvis@breen lib]$ cd stubs [applvis@breen stubs]$ cp /mnt/stage/other_patches/12415211/files/lib/stubs/ . [applvis@breen stubs]$ ln -sf [applvis@breen stubs]$ ln -sf [applvis@breen stubs]$ $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/ started at Fri Sep 27 01:34:32 PDT 2013 Log file located at /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_breen/logs/ora/10.1.2/install/ completed sucessfully [applvis@breen stubs]$ grep -i err /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_breen/logs/ora/10.1.2/install/make_09270134.log [applvis@breen stubs]$ grep -i warn /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_breen/logs/ora/10.1.2/install/make_09270134.log [applvis@breen stubs]$ grep -i fail /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_breen/logs/ora/10.1.2/install/make_09270134.log[/plain]
  2. Patch 17064510 (12.2 Release notes, Note 1320300.1) to fix fs_clone As promised, here's our first run of adop, albeit in hotpatch mode, which doesn't require prepare or cutover/finalize steps. Make sure the WLS admin server is up ($ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ start), or you'll get a message like this:[plain gutter="0"]***** W A R N I N G ***** ADMIN SERVER is down. Cannot proceed further... Please start the ADMIN SERVER.adop exiting with status = 3 (Fail)[/plain] I staged the patches in the default expected directory in the non-editioned filesystem, but you can specify a patchtop if you prefer. [plain gutter="0"][applvis@breen other_patches]$ unzip -tq No errors detected in compressed data of [applvis@breen other_patches]$ unzip -q -d $APPL_TOP_NE/../patch [applvis@breen other_patches]$ adop phase=apply patches=17064510 hotpatch=yes Enter the APPS password: Enter the SYSTEM password: Enter the WLSADMIN password: Please wait. Validating credentials... Enter the RUN file system context file name [/u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_breen/appl/admin/VIS_breen.xml]: [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:18] Performing verification of parameters [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:19] Checking for the required ENV setup [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:19] Checking for the required ENV setup ************* Start of session ************* version: 12.2.0 started at: Fri Sep 27 2013 02:47:19 APPL_TOP is set to /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:20] Determining admin node [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:22] Determining admin node [STATEMENT] Recommended Worker Count: 2 Max Allowed Workers: 10 [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:26] Acquiring lock on sessions table [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:28] Acquiring lock on sessions table [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:28] Checking for any pending sessions [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:33] Staging the current session [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:38] Checking if node "breen" is abandoned [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:40] Checking if node "breen" is abandoned [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:42] Staging the current session [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:44] Unlocking sessions table [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:45] Unlocking sessions table [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:45] run [STATEMENT] Session ID: 2 [STATEMENT] Phase: apply [STATEMENT] Log file: /u01/oracle/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/2/adop_20130927_024700.log [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:55] Invoking admerge [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:47:56] Invoking admerge [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:47:56] apply phase [STATEMENT] APPLY Phase START TIME: 27-09-2013 02:47:58 [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 02:48:00] Performing Check for Logon Trigger existence and enablement [STATEMENT] [END 2013/09/27 02:48:08] Performing Check for Logon Trigger existence and enablement [STATEMENT] [Start 2013/09/27 02:48:13] ADOP::DefaultsFileUtil::substituteDefaultsFileTokensForPatchApplTop [STATEMENT] Reading defaults file /u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/VIS/adalldefaults.txt [STATEMENT] Substituting tokens ... [STATEMENT] Regenerating defaults file ... [STATEMENT] [End 2013/09/27 02:48:13] ADOP::DefaultsFileUtil::substituteDefaultsFileTokensForPatchApplTop [STATEMENT] Calling: adpatch workers=2 options=hotpatch flags=autoskip console=no interactive=no defaultsfile=/u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/VIS/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/u01/oracle/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/patch/17064510 driver=u17064510.drv logfile=u17064510.log [STATEMENT] ADPATCH Log directory: /u01/oracle/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/2/apply_20130927_024700/VIS_breen/17064510/log [STATEMENT] Running: adpatch workers=2 options=hotpatch flags=autoskip console=no interactive=no defaultsfile=/u01/oracle/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/VIS/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/u01/oracle/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/patch/17064510 driver=u17064510.drv logfile=u17064510.log stdin=yes Successfully created out directory [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 03:33:22] Running finalize since in hotpatch mode [STATEMENT] [START 2013/09/27 04:02:21] Compiling Invalid Objects as part of Finalize [STAT

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