The Shift in Top Big Data Analytics Trends for 2020

3 min read
Mar 18, 2020

In 2019, we forecasted and highlighted the top trends in big data analytics. Today we will be revisiting this topic to explore how the trends have progressed as time has evolved. As we dive deeper into the digital age, the opportunities for data collection and analytics are developing and expanding perpetually. We asked 5 industry experts for their predictions for the top big data analytics trends for 2020 and this is what they said:

Embedded Analytics

"Collecting data is relatively easy, yet interpreting that data is difficult. Embedded analytics is one of the top analytics trends for 2020, empowering its users to better assess and quickly act on relevant business data. Embedded analytics, which converts raw data into business intelligence, presents organizations with tremendous opportunities for data analytics. The importance of business intelligence continues to grow and the current uses for embedded analytics have a common theme – making better decisions.” - Casey McGuigan, Reveal Product Manager, Infragistics

Conversational Analytics

“One of the biggest up and coming analytics trends for 2020 and beyond is conversational analytics, due to the fact that the use of interactive search devices, such as Alexa, are becoming ever-more widely utilized by internet users. Google BERT and other NLP algorithms mean that conversational analytics is perhaps the biggest and fastest-moving growth area when it comes to analytic trends for the future. “Getting ahead of the curve in this respect will enable early adopters to boost business intelligence and insights and design their own content and SEO around meeting the demands of consumers, as well as of course the parameters of such searches’ ranking and results tools too.” - Polly Kay, Senior Marketing Manager at English Blinds

Social Media Data for Analytics

“Analytics for specific industries or lines of businesses, such as those focusing on sales, customer service, and marketing, are incorporating data from social media sources as a fundamental part of their analytics services. As social media essentially lives in the cloud, cloud BI offerings fit naturally with these sources and providers are adding them to their data arsenal. IBM and Twitter, for example, have struck a deal in which IBM will have full access to the public stream of tweets, enabling IBM and their partners to integrate Twitter data into their cloud offerings.” - Jorge Garcia, Principal Analyst in BI and Data Management, TEC

Augmented Analytics

“As the demand for gathering critical business insights from customer data and that volume of business data increases, preparing those data so they can be used is posing to be a greater challenge. While traditional business intelligence solutions are capable of handling more types of data and at a greater volume than ever, data preparation is still a highly manual process. Human error before the analysis has even begun is a big possibility. This is where augmented analytics comes in. “Augmented analytics will use machine learning and other AI techniques to simplify this process by automating data collection and preparation. This AI system can then help analysts and IT professionals get more insights out of their analysis, which they might not discover just because of how huge and complex the data they are trying to process. Augmented analytics systems can also include the ability to share insights anywhere within the organization. This decreases dependence on data scientists and machine learning (ML) professionals. It would also enable everyone, even non-technical users, to benefit from the insights discovered.” - Kenny Trinh, Managing Editor of Netbooknews

Mobile Analytics

“There's a number of analytics trends that I foresee becoming big in 2020, but the most important one is mobile analytics. Although it has been around for a while, it recently seems to have become a priority since Google adapted its crawler to a mobile-first index. That's the biggest and most important reason and then with everyone constantly on the go the small screen, this seems to be the future of advertising. Your users’ experiences on a mobile device must at least meet industry standards if you want to convert them into clients. “The mobile solutions sector, from websites to apps, will continue to grow rapidly and augmented reality is going to play a huge role in that. Many companies are starting to have a presence already with Snapchat filters for example, but with Apple working on its own device that might be a game-changer. So being able to track it all and see what works best for your vertical is definitely a trend for 2020.” - Elias Manolopoulos, Founder of Aeon Ads   When considering big data analytics, you can be confident that this is an industry where the trends will be constantly adapting to keep up with the newest advancements in technology. Organizations are becoming more and more cognizant that their traditional methods of collecting data will not be sustainable in the long run. To ensure the success of your organization, it is imperative to remain adaptable to new data platforms as they are introduced. Find out how Pythian can help your organization meet these challenges and opportunitie s.  

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