Using RDA to check Oracle Database preinstallation

5 min read
Jan 16, 2019

Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) is often under-utilized. It has some very nice features such as database preinstallation check.
Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) - FAQ (Doc ID 330363.1) 
 Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) - Getting Started (Doc ID 314422.1) 
Stay with me and read the entire article - there is a surprise at the end. RDA changed to a new numbering scheme of . in April 2018. The first release under this scheme is 18.2.
RDA/DA bundle RDA 18.4-20181009 fora Linux x64:
Installing RDA:
$ unzip -qo /tmp/ -d ~/working/dinh/ 
 $ ll
 total 8
 drwxr-xr-x 15 oracle dba 4096 Oct 3 16:01 rda
 -r--r--r-- 1 oracle dba 3004 Oct 3 16:05 readme.txt
 $ cd rda/
 $ chmod +x
 $ ./ -cv
 Loading the file list ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA] . ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA] engine ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_ADM] model ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] APPS ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] BI ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] CGBU ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] DB ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] EM ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] OFM ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CHK] TEST ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] APPS ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] BI ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] CGBU ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] CLOUD ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] DA ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] DB ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] EM ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] EXPLORER ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] OFM ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] OS ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] PGBU ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] RDA ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] SAMPLE ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_COL] TOOL ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_CSS] . ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_DAT] . ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_DFW] cv0200 ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/Common ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/DB/LOG ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/OFM/OIM ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/OS/INST ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/OS/OS ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/RDA/CONFIG ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/TOOL/ALERT ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] Convert/TOOL/COMPLY ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] IRDA ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] IRDA/CV0200 ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Agent ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Driver ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Handle ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Library ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Limit ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Local ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Object ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Operator ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Request ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/SDCL ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/SDSL ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Target ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Token ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/UI ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Value ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_INC] RDA/Web ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_MSG] charset ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_MSG] desc ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_MSG] en ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_MSG] fr ...
 Checking the directory [D_RDA_POD] en ...
 No issues found
Running RDA:
$ ./ -T hcve
 Processing HCVE tests ...
 Available Pre-Installation Rule Sets:
  1. Oracle Database 10g R1 (10.1.0) Preinstall (Linux)
  2. Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) Preinstall (Linux)
  3. Oracle Database 11g R1 (11.1) Preinstall (Linux)
  4. Oracle Database 11g R2 (11.2.0) Preinstall (Linux)
  5. Oracle Database 12c R1 (12.1.0) Preinstallation (Linux)
  6. Oracle Database 12c R2 (12.2.0) Preinstallation (Linux)
  7. Oracle Database 18c (18) Preinstallation (Linux)
  8. Oracle Identity and Access Management PreInstall Check: Oracle Identity
  and Access Management 11g Release 2 (11.1.2) Linux
  9. Oracle JDeveloper PreInstall Check: Oracle JDeveloper 11g Release 2
  ( Linux
  10. Oracle JDeveloper PreInstall Check: Oracle JDeveloper 12c (12.1.3)
  11. OAS PreInstall Check: Application Server 10g R2 (10.1.2) Linux
  12. OAS PreInstall Check: Application Server 10g R3 (10.1.3) Linux
  13. OFM PreInstall Check: Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g R1 (11.1.1) Linux
  14. OFM PreInstall Check: Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c (12.1.3) Linux
  15. OFM PreInstall Check: Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( Linux
  16. Oracle Forms and Reports PreInstall Check: Oracle Forms and Reports 11g
  Release 2 (11.1.2) Linux
  17. Portal PreInstall Check: Oracle Portal Generic
  18. IDM PreInstall Check: Identity Management 10g (10.1.4) Linux
  19. BIEE PreInstall Check: Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g
  (11.1.1) Linux
  20. EPM PreInstall Check: Enterprise Performance Management Server (11.1.2)
  21. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control PreInstall Check: Oracle
  Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4 ( Linux
  22. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i (11.5.10) Preinstall (Linux x86 and
  23. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (12.1.1) Preinstall (Linux x86 and
  24. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (12.2.0) Preinstall (Linux x86_64)
 Available Post-Installation Rule Sets:
  25. RAC 10G DB and OS Best Practices (Linux)
  26. Data Guard Postinstall (Generic)
  27. WLS PostInstall Check: WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.x) Generic
  28. WLS PostInstall Check: WebLogic Server 12c (12.x) Generic
  29. Portal PostInstall Check: Oracle Portal Generic
  30. OC4J PostInstall Check: Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g (10.1.x) Generic
  31. SOA PostInstall Check: Service-Oriented Architecture 11g and Later
  32. OSB PostInstall Check: Service Bus 11g and Later Generic
  33. Oracle Forms 11g Post Installation (Generic)
  34. Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent 12c Post Installation (Generic)
  35. Oracle Management Server 12c Post Installation (Generic)
  36. Network Charging and Control Database Post Installation (Generic)
 Enter the HCVE rule set number or 0 to cancel the test
 Press Return to accept the default (0)
 > 3
 Performing HCVE checks ...
 Enter value for < Planned ORACLE_HOME location >
 Enter value for < JDK Home >
 Test "Oracle Database 11g R1 (11.1) Preinstall (Linux)" executed at 08-Jan-2019 10:32:44
 Test Results
 ====== ==================== ======= ==========================================
 A00010 OS Certified? FAILED Not certified [Oracle version]
 A00020 User in /etc/passwd? PASSED userOK
 A00040 Group in /etc/group? PASSED GroupOK
 A00060 ORACLE_HOME Valid? FAILED OHnotvalid
 A00070 O_H Permissions OK? SKIPPED Requires valid Oracle home
 A00080 oraInventory Permiss FAILED oraInventoryNotOK
 A00090 Got Software Tools? PASSED ld_nm_ar_make_found
 A00100 Umask Set to 022? PASSED UmaskOK
 A00120 Limit Processes? PASSED Adequate
 A00130 Limit Descriptors PASSED Adequate
 A00180 JAVA_HOME Unset? PASSED UnSet
 A00190 Enter JDK Home RECORD 
 A00200 JDK Version FAILED JDK home is missing
 A00210 Other O_Hs in PATH? PASSED NoneFound
 A00220 Other OUI Up? PASSED NoOtherOUI
 A00230 Temp Adequate? PASSED TempSpaceOK
 A00240 Disk Space? FAILED Requires valid Oracle home
 A00250 Swap (in MB) RECORD 18431
 A00260 Adequate RAM (in MB) PASSED 257578
 A00270 Swap OK? PASSED SwapToRamOK
 A00280 Network FAILED Cannot access /sbin/ifconfig
 A00290 IP Address RECORD
 A00300 Domain Name RECORD gain.tcprod.local
 A00310 DNS Lookup FAILED Cannot access /usr/bin/nslookup
 A00320 /etc/hosts Format PASSED Adequate IPv4 entry
 A00330 Kernel Parameters OK FAILED SHMMAXTooSmall
 A00380 Tainted Kernel? PASSED NotVerifiable
 A00400 ip_local_port_range PASSED RangeOK
 A00460 Asianux2 RPMs OK? SKIPPED NotAsianux
 A00470 Asianux3 RPMs OK? SKIPPED NotAsianux
 A00530 RHEL4 RPMs OK? SKIPPED NotRedHat
 A00540 RHEL5 RPMs OK? SKIPPED NotRedHat
 Result file: output/collect/DB_HCVE_A_DB11R1_lin_res.htm
Here's the surprise - implementing RDA for Oracle GoldenGate Data collection (Doc ID 1362838.1):
./ -S OGG
This is useful as it will provide the architecture for GoldenGate implementation.

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