What to expect at FOSDEM 2019

2 min read
Jan 24, 2019

In just over two weeks, on Feb 2-3, FOSDEM 2019 will take place. As happens every year, the first weekend of February The University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) opens the doors of campus Solbosch to the worldwide open source community. What started as a small gathering of open source hackers has now become one of the world's largest open source community events with speakers from all over the globe. All major open source software vendors want to be there and you will find boots for every possible Linux distribution. For the third year in a row now, Oracle is organizing a pre-FOSDEM MySQL day . As the name suggests, this event takes place the day before FOSDEM (Friday, Feb 1st). This day is loaded with content on MySQL 8.0. Keep in mind that places are limited so registration is mandatory . At the time of writing, this event is sold out, but watch the Twitter account for MySQL Community Manager @lefred. If some tickets would become available, he'll be the first one to tweet about it. On Saturday there is is the MySQL, MariaDB and Friends devroom (conference track). This year the MySQL track got a bigger room (~40 seats extra) so we can welcome more interested people. FOSDEM is a free event, no registration is required, but keep in mind that the when a room is at full capacity you will not be able to enter. So arriving on time is key to catch the talks you want to see. With the motto "less is more" the MySQL track talks are 20 minutes long. The committee has selected 18 high-quality talks. These three talks are high on my want-to-see list:
  1. The consequences of sync_binlog != 1 by Jean-François Gagné
  2. Test complex database systems in a laptop with dbdeployer by Guiseppe Maxia
  3. MySQL and the CAP theorem: relevance & misconceptions by Shlomi Noach
Also, keep in mind that parking spaces at the university campus (and in the neighborhood around it) are very limited, so use the Brussels public transport options to commute to the venue. Last but certainly not least, on Friday, February 1st, there is the MySQL and Friends community dinner . This year Pythian is a proud sponsor of the event. The dinner takes place after the pre-FOSDEM day at the same venue. Tickets are for sale at the rate of 20 euros. For this amount, you have all-in food and drinks for the entire night. If you're coming to FOSDEM, this is a really nice way to meet some MySQL developers, some prominent community member and, of course, several Pythian employees, including yours truly. Don't miss out on this! And hurry, as tickets are selling out quickly.

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