Why Migrate Your PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQL Server to Google Cloud SQL?

3 min read
May 2, 2022

Whether you’re using a PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQL Server relational database, a migration to Google Cloud SQL can take it up a notch—automating management tasks, ensuring business continuity and staying up-to-date with security and compliance requirements.

And, with a solution like Google Cloud SQL, you won’t have the hassle of self-management, such as monitoring replication or maintaining patches. Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service that helps you set up, maintain, manage and administer relational databases—whether MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQL Server—on Google Cloud Platform.

That means you can run the same relational databases you’re familiar with, and still benefit from rich extension collections, configuration flags and developer ecosystem that’s part of the Google Cloud. At the same time, you can reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of data deployments and modernize your database architecture.  


The Google Cloud SQL advantage

Google Cloud SQL can help you go beyond just reducing your TCO. Tapping in to the Google ecosystem will help unlock opportunities for your business to get even more out of your systems, including: 

  • Integration with Google Kubernetes Engine, App Engine and Compute Engine
  • Support for analytics by using Google BigQuery to query Cloud SQL databases
  • Support for Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js and Go
  • Data encryption at rest and in transit
  • Automation of backups, replication, encryption patches and capacity increases
  • 99.99% availability
  • Compliance with SSAE 16, ISO 27001, PCI DSS and HIPAA


Embracing the future with open source

Over the past few years we’ve seen an increase in enterprise adoption of open source relational databases, which are no longer ‘fringe’ alternatives but legitimate options that allow you to create source code to match your unique business requirements. The two most popular options on the market today are PostgreSQL and MySQL. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth considering migration from SQL Server to Google Cloud SQL.


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Migrating PostgreSQL to Google Cloud SQL: This is a fully managed migration option if you’re looking to reduce licensing and maintenance costs while keeping your core application code. It’s also an option for companies looking to deploy PostgreSQL workloads after migrating from Oracle (thanks to its out-of-the-box replication, encryption and storage). In certain situations, PostgreSQL on the Google Compute Engine (GCE) may be a better choice, such as when high availability and seamless upgrades are business-critical necessities.

Migrating MySQL to Google Cloud SQL: This is a fully managed migration option for deploying MySQL on Cloud SQL, primarily suitable for cloud-native applications (or if you’re rebuilding them in the cloud). It’s also an ideal candidate when you need to convert and optimize queries from Oracle Database to Cloud SQL for MySQL.

Cloud SQL for SQL Server: While SQL Server isn’t open source, Cloud Server for SQL Server provides more flexibility for your SQL Server database operations, such as ensuring business continuity and automating tasks like provisioning, patching and backup. You also have the option of integrating it with Google Kubernetes Engine (to deploy, scale and manage Kubernetes) and Google Cloud Functions (Functions-as-a-Service to run your code with no server management required).


Why use a partner for Google Cloud SQL migration?

These migrations can be highly complex and require a multidisciplinary approach – an experienced partner who can help you navigate these complexities is essential. That’s why the foundation for Pythian’s Google Cloud data modernization, migration and management practice is built upon deep expertise across a wide range of database technologies, including Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, MongoDB and Microsoft SQL Server, as well as experience collaborating with Google Cloud on Cloud SQL and Bare Metal Solution offerings.

Whether you’re migrating from an on-prem environment or from cloud to cloud, you’ll want to minimize downtime and avoid disruptions to your business. Working with a Google Cloud Partner like Pythian can help you assess your database environment and find the right migration strategy for your business needs.

Looking for more reasons to consider migrating to Google Cloud? We’ve got you covered with benefits, migrations scenarios and real-world success stories in our Google Cloud Migration Handbook. Download your copy today.

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