Google Recognizes Pythian’s Outstanding Data Management Work in 2020 with Inaugural Award

3 min read
Jul 28, 2021

Love your data. 

It’s far more than our tagline here at Pythian—it’s truly in our DNA. 

That’s why we’re thrilled, honored and even a bit humbled to be named the first-ever Google Cloud Specialization Partner of the Year for Data Management. This new award recognizes the one global cloud partner who most helped its customers jumpstart their business transformation by migrating and managing enterprise data more reliably and securely with Google Cloud

The award takes on even more significance because it covers 2020. Never before have we experienced a year when digital transformation and easy access to data were more critical to business operations. From restaurant chains facing increased demand to global fashion retailers with no room for downtime (and every type of business in between), the pandemic required an immediate improvement in digital operations. Pythian came through with expert resources and seamless data modernization, migration and management efforts for enterprise customers all over the world

We’re thankful to our talented employees for their tireless efforts, to our customers for their trust and collaboration in these high-stakes projects, and to our partners at Google for their ongoing leadership and support. 

Creating a best-of-breed data management practice

Achieving the 2020 Google Cloud Specialization Partner of the Year for Data Management award showcases Pythian’s deep experience in this field. It emphasizes our commitment to building a best-of-breed global data management practice that believes in ‘customers first, people always’. It recognizes our two decades of work with on-premises systems and pre-cloud technologies, which allows us to effectively migrate these legacy data platforms. And it acknowledges our long-established leadership within the technical data and analytics community.

Being on the forefront of data management innovation and the best data and analytics practices is vital to us. It’s why we earned the Data Management Partner Specialization in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program in 2020. This specialization recognizes expertise and success in building customer solutions across all data management domains using Google Cloud technology.

Both our specialization and our award demonstrate Pythian’s skill in managing workloads on-premises and in both private and public clouds. They showcase our team’s capabilities across a wide range of database technologies, including:

Making a measurable impact for clients

At Pythian, we’re firm believers in the value of a “data-first” mentality. Across all our data management activities, we’re actively helping organizations of all sizes unlock the true potential of their data assets. 

In particular, our enterprise data platform projects help customers to:

  • Optimize and modernize their data
  • Improve reliability and security
  • Gain transformational value-driven insights and
  • Leverage the full power of Google Cloud technology

AllSaints, a major online retailer, clearly demonstrates the possibilities. They trusted Pythian for their biggest IT infrastructure change in company history. Working together, we managed a seamless migration of their operations from a hybrid cloud environment to Google Cloud.

The results were impressive:

  • Page load speeds improved by 35 percent
  • Online conversions were up by 20 percent 
  • Platform operating costs decreased by 75 percent with the elimination of redundant servers

Papa John’s International, Inc., the world’s third largest pizza company, also chose Pythian to guide their journey to Google Cloud.

“We were looking for a strategic partner and an expert assessment on how to move from our on-premises deployment into the public cloud,” said Brian Jones, director of data assets and services at Papa John’s. “Pythian had the blend of skills and experience we needed and recommended a transformation path to modernize our systems, see cost savings, and provide a strong data platform to leverage into the future.”

These stories highlight the business transformation that’s possible with modern data management. 

Already writing the next chapter

The bottom line with our award? We’re extremely proud to be recognized for our hard work and expertise, and look forward to demonstrating to all our clients how strong data management can benefit your business.

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