Extracting DML Stats/Workload With GoldenGate

1 min read
Apr 26, 2020

After setting up GoldenGate in your environment, you might ask yourself: How much work is being done by my GGate environment? Here's another consideration: You just want to set up a dummy extraction so you can measure it before starting your GGate implementation project, but you're concerned about the free space for the generated trail files? No need to be concerned. The GGate stats command reports on the work being performed. This includes the total (since the last reset), daily, or even at the table level, as show below: Note: For better output, I recommend resetting the counters/stats before starting any testing/retrieval.
1. Reset Counters/Stats:
stats extract ext_test, reset
2. Retrieve Stats for a Table Since Reset:
stats extract ext_test, table owner1.test, latest
3. Retrieve Stats Total Since the Last Start of Extract:
stats extract ext_int, totalsonly owner1.test
4. Retrieve Stats from the Day of a Table:
stats extract ext_int, daily, table owner1.test
5. Retrieve Stats from the Day of All Schema Tables Configured on Extract:
stats extract ext_int, daily, table owner1.*
Example Output
GGSCI (myserver.local) 1> stats ext_test total daily
 Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT_TEST ...
 Start of Statistics at 2019-12-16 15:21:56.
 Output by User Exit:
 Extracting from OWNER1.TABLE1 to OWNER1.TABLE1:
 *** Total statistics since 2019-12-16 07:18:14 ***
  Total inserts 2744.00
  Total updates 0.00
  Total deletes 300.00
  Total discards 0.00
  Total operations 3044.00
 *** Daily statistics since 2019-12-16 07:18:14 ***
  Total inserts 2744.00
  Total updates 0.00
  Total deletes 300.00
  Total discards 0.00
  Total operations 3044.00
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