How to Install a brand new Exadata X5 (part 2)

3 min read
Aug 29, 2016

Now that all the prerequisites have been performed in Part 1, we can now jump in the Exadata installation procedure itself.   All the installation steps are performed by a script named (provided by OEDA) with the help of the well known <client>-<cluster>.xml XML file. It is quite straightforward. All steps can be launched in one command but I recommend launching them step by step, it is easier to troubleshoot if needed. One important thing is to not jump over a failed step; resolve the failed step first and then continue. As explained in Part 1, we will use the script that has been provided by OEDA which is located in the /u01/Exadata_software/linux-x64/ directory as well as the <client>-<cluster>.xml configuration file.  
Step 1
As the script is meant for many different configurations, the step 1 will perform some checks and adapt the list of steps that are needed for your particular configuration. Check the output of the script to see if anything is wrong and we can then continue.
List of Steps
The -l option can be used to list all those steps now that the step 1 has adapted it to your configuration.
Step 2
This step will check for all the ISO files needed for all the installation steps, you will be prompted for missing files then copy the missing files in the WorkDir directory and relaunch the step.
Step 3
This step will create the required users
Step 4
This step will set up the cell connectivity creating the /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora and /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellinit.ora files
Step 5
This step will check the Infiniband configuration and test the performances of it using the infinicheck script
Step 6
This step will check the cells using the cellcli -e calibrate command. It also tests the performance of the cell disks and report any issue.
Step 7
This step will create the cell disks, flashlog and flashcache
Step 8
This step will create the grid disks
Step 9
This step will install the Grid Infrastructure
Step 10
This step will run the script on all the nodes. Note : if any issue occurs during this step, you will have to deinstall the GI : Then reinstall the GI (step 9) and relaunch (step 10).
Step 11
This step will install Oracle database -- this was in this case (not 12c, I installed it manually later on)
Step 12
This step will relink the installed Oracle databases homes with RDS (protocol to use Infiniband)
Step 13
This step will create the ASM diskgroups according to what has been defined by the client in the XML configuration file (this is the perfect timing to double check, triple check, etc... the name of the diskgroups before creating it to avoid to have to rename the diskgroups later)
Step 14
This step will create the databases as defined in the <client>-<cluster>.xml file. In my cases, no databases were defined there as the client wanted to create them manually. But you can easily do it like that :
Step 15
This step applies some security fixes; the error below is due to the fact that the Step 14 has not been executed.
Step 16
This step installs the Exachk tool
Step 17
This step creates an installation summary
Step 18
This step is to “ Resecure the machine ”; this step is meant to :
  • expire all passwords (need to be changed at next login)
  • implement password aging and complexity
  • tightened some permissions
  • drop the root ssh keys
You may want to bypass this step depending on the client security policy.   You are now done, and everything is now installed properly. You can now create many databases and start to enjoy Exadata !  

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