A Step-by-Step Flashback of RAC database to Restore Point

1 min read
Oct 21, 2016

The following is the step-by-step process of Flashback of RAC database to a Restore Point. 1) Set the environment to correct instance. ps -ef | grep pmon . oraenv 2) Get restore point name and make note of it from sqlplus. SQL> select name, host_name, status from gv$instance; SQL> select log_mode,flashback_on from v$database; SQL> select name,time from v$restore_point; 3) Stop the database and put it in mount state using srvctl srvctl status database -d MYTESTDB srvctl stop database -d MYTESTDB srvctl status database -d MYTESTDB srvctl start instance -d MYTESTDB -i MYTESTDB1 -o mount 4) Flashback to restore point using sqlplus SQL> select instance_name,status from gv$instance; SQL> flashback database to restore point REST_POINT; SQL> alter database open resetlogs; Database altered. 5) Stop and start the database and make sure all instances are up, using srvctl. srvctl stop database -d MYTESTDB srvctl start database -d MYTESTDB srvctl status database -d MYTESTDB I hope this is helpful!

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