Thanks Oracle for R12.AD.C.DELTA.6

3 min read
Apr 29, 2015

When reading through the release notes of the latest Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2 AD.C.Delta.6 patch in note 1983782.1, I wondered what they meant by “Simplification and enhancement of adop console messages”. I realized what I was missing after I applied the AD.C.Delta6 patch. The format of the console messaged changed drastically. To be honest, the old console messages printed by adop command reminded me of a program where somebody forgot to turn off the debug feature. The old adop console messages are simply not easily readable and looked more like debug messages of a program. AD.C.Delta6 brought in a fresh layout to the console messages, it’s now more readable and easy to follow. You can see for your self by looking at the below snippet:

### AD.C.Delta.5 ###

$ adop phase=apply patches=19197270 hotpatch=yes

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:

 Please wait. Validating credentials...

RUN file system context file: /u01/install/VISION/fs2/inst/apps/VISION_ebs/appl/admin/VISION_ebs.xml

PATCH file system context file: /u01/install/VISION/fs1/inst/apps/VISION_ebs/appl/admin/VISION_ebs.xml
Execute SYSTEM command : df /u01/install/VISION/fs1

************* Start of  session *************
 version: 12.2.0
 started at: Fri Apr 24 2015 13:47:58

APPL_TOP is set to /u01/install/VISION/fs2/EBSapps/appl
[START 2015/04/24 13:48:04] Check if services are down
  [STATEMENT]  Application services are down.
[END   2015/04/24 13:48:09] Check if services are down
[EVENT]     [START 2015/04/24 13:48:09] Checking the DB parameter value
[EVENT]     [END   2015/04/24 13:48:11] Checking the DB parameter value
  Using ADOP Session ID from currently incomplete patching cycle
  [START 2015/04/24 13:48:23] run
    ADOP Session ID: 12
    Phase: apply
    Log file: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/adop_20150424_134739.log
    [START 2015/04/24 13:48:30] apply phase
        Calling: adpatch  workers=4   options=hotpatch     console=no interactive=no  defaultsfile=/u01/install/VISION/fs2/EBSapps/appl/admin/VISION/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/patch/19197270 driver=u19197270.drv logfile=u19197270.log
        ADPATCH Log directory: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/apply_20150424_134739/VISION_ebs/19197270/log
        [EVENT]     [START 2015/04/24 13:59:45] Running finalize since in hotpatch mode
        [EVENT]     [END   2015/04/24 14:00:10] Running finalize since in hotpatch mode
          Calling: adpatch options=hotpatch,nocompiledb interactive=no console=no workers=4 restart=no abandon=yes defaultsfile=/u01/install/VISION/fs2/EBSapps/appl/admin/VISION/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/u01/install/VISION/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/driver logfile=cutover.log driver=ucutover.drv
          ADPATCH Log directory: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/apply_20150424_134739/VISION_ebs/log
        [EVENT]     [START 2015/04/24 14:01:32] Running cutover since in hotpatch mode
        [EVENT]     [END   2015/04/24 14:01:33] Running cutover since in hotpatch mode
      [END   2015/04/24 14:01:36] apply phase
      [START 2015/04/24 14:01:36] Generating Post Apply Reports
        [EVENT]     [START 2015/04/24 14:01:38] Generating AD_ZD_LOGS Report
          [EVENT]     Report: /u01/install/VISION/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/sql/ADZDSHOWLOG.sql

          [EVENT]     Output: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/apply_20150424_134739/VISION_ebs/adzdshowlog.out

        [EVENT]     [END   2015/04/24 14:01:42] Generating AD_ZD_LOGS Report
      [END   2015/04/24 14:01:42] Generating Post Apply Reports
    [END   2015/04/24 14:01:46] run
    adop phase=apply - Completed Successfully

    Log file: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/adop_20150424_134739.log

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)
### AD.C.Delta.6 ###

$ adop phase=apply patches=19330775 hotpatch=yes

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:

Validating credentials...

    Run Edition context  : /u01/install/VISION/fs2/inst/apps/VISION_ebs/appl/admin/VISION_ebs.xml
    Patch edition context: /u01/install/VISION/fs1/inst/apps/VISION_ebs/appl/admin/VISION_ebs.xml
Reading driver file (up to 50000000 bytes).
    Patch file system freespace: 181.66 GB

Validating system setup...
    Node registry is valid.
    Application services are down.
    [WARNING]   ETCC: The following database fixes are not applied in node ebs
                Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1 for instructions.

Checking for pending adop sessions...
    Continuing with the existing session [Session id: 12]...

ADOP (C.Delta.6)
Session ID: 12
Node: ebs
Phase: apply
Log: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/adop_20150424_140643.log

Applying patch 19330775 with adpatch utility...
    Log: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/apply_20150424_140643/VISION_ebs/19330775/log/u19330775.log

Running finalize actions for the patches applied...
    Log: @ADZDSHOWLOG.sql "2015/04/24 14:15:09"

Running cutover actions for the patches applied...
    Spawning adpatch parallel workers to process CUTOVER DDLs in parallel
    Log: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/apply_20150424_140643/VISION_ebs/log/cutover.log
    Performing database cutover in QUICK mode

Generating post apply reports...

Generating log report...
    Output: /u01/install/VISION/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/12/apply_20150424_140643/VISION_ebs/adzdshowlog.out

adop phase=apply - Completed Successfully

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)

So what are you waiting for fellow Apps DBAs? Go ahead, apply the new AD Delta update to your R12.2 EBS instances. I am really eager to try out other AD.C.Delta6 new features, especially “Online Patching support for single file system on development or test systems”

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